The Two Continents Geographic Location in The Two Continents | World Anvil

The Two Continents

Continents created after The Great Break ripped apart the continent of Concord. The Two Continents is split into three territories: Obsidian, Riven, and The Break, which is the sea between the two.   The survivors of the Great Break struggled greatly for the first two hundred years after to establish any sort of order. This era was known as the The Age of Chaos. There are disagreements on the end of the Age of Chaos, with earlier historians declaring it over after 200 AGB. Many recent historians argue that little order was established even in the next hundred years and declare it lasted until the year 300 AGB. Either way, the following centuries were still a great challenge for any civilizations attempting to build and it wasn't until the year 400 AGB that stronger Kingdoms started to show solidity. While there has been advancement and even technology, it could be argued that the kingdoms and nations of the Two Continents are still trying to rebuild and grow. Much of the Two Continents remains unpopulated and unexplored, and some historians warn it's closer to collapse than many realize and predict of the coming of a second Age of Chaos.   Demographics The Two Continents are home to several kingdoms or nations, dozens of city-states, and thousands of indigenous peoples. Obsidian is generally colder, with areas covered in snow and ice year round, while the continent of Riven is warmer, and has a large span of desert in the center.   Esara Island Esara Island is part of the Two Continents, but isn't considered as part of either Obsidian or Riven, likely do to the presence of the Esra.


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