This corps is a three, multi-battalion, regiment corps and is made up from a light infantry, The 1st Rifles, regiment (commanded by Colonel Alastair Macgregor), a heavy mechanised infantry, 1st Solent Fusiliers, regiment (commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Beverly Fletcher) and a tank, the 1st Heavy Tank, regiment (commanded by Brigadier Harry Esposito). Due to the weirdness that is the British Army Colonel Macgregor is the first among equals and has command over the Brigadier.
The majority of the Senior Officers from both the Fusiliers and the Rifles are former members of the Queen's Own Anti-Revolutionary Company that followed Alastair Macgregor to the new posting following the disbanding of that unit including 5 senior battalion officers, the three of the four WO1s of the Rifles and the majority of the command staff of the Fusiliers are former COs and 2iC of sections in the QOARC. Only the tankers are not former members of the QOARC.
The Solent colonies were chosen to raise a new combined arms corps due to their need relative distance from the Oceania Supersector, protecting the pool of recruits from the war. Success against the Argentinians means joining the 9th CAA and the continuing war against the Tarquin.