Brokenridge Mesa

The Brokenridge Mesa separates the North from the South on the Eastern side of the Supercontinental plate in The Northern Region. Originally, three smaller tectonic plates that moved during the last Shifting (See the Timeline) collided with the island just south of the mainland on the eastern side of the continent. as the continent shifted and the five plates collided, they fused together. The collision and the fusing coincided with a mass migration of semi-nomadic sapients and their herds after the Giants invaded from the West. During the migration across the once-island, the pressure and force of the continued grinding raised the Brokenridge Mesa to its current elevation. Previously it had been three barely connected mountain tops that served as an island chain, suddenly they were massive peaks that rose so high even the mystically inclined Giants were scared. Then they erupted. Soon the basin where the mountains stood was filled and the smoke and ash filled the sky. The nomads crossing it split ways, and the herds fled, but the giants did not follow and soon the upheaval of the Shifting was finished.

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