Akul Corporation Organization in The Void | World Anvil
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Akul Corporation

Public Agenda

The Akul Corporation openly supports movements for greater autonomy for the Datrisi Colonial Government financing campaigns and movements towards that aim. Due to this many Datrisi see the company as a symbol of an independent future. Officially the corporation has made no such claims but breaking ties with the Confederation of Guilds was taken as an indication in favour of independence.


The Akul Corporation was founded as a local docks capable of producing ships to fit the needs of the growing Datrisi settlement. Initially licensing designs from other Gennai Manufacturing & Engineering the company soon began development of several freight vessels and rock hoppers. This continued with little major recognition until the creation of the Datrisi Colonial Self-Defence Force and with it demand for new warships.    Believing that technological independence and superiority would strengthen the Datrisi Colonial Government development began on a series of warships. Warships that would allow the Datrisi Colonial Navy to restore and repair their fleet independent of Aesalia. Over the following decades the company would become the main rival of Gennai Manufacturing & Engineering creating ships with greater reliability and efficiency at the cost of utilitarian interiors and slower construction times.   This rivalry grew particuarly intense when in 8E-197 the company declared independence from the Confederation of Guilds joining a growing number of companies within the colonies that sought to operate without guild oversight and influence.

We Guide The Way

Founding Date
Corporation, Aerospace
Related Ethnicities

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