Datrisi Colonial Government Organization in The Void | World Anvil
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Datrisi Colonial Government

The Datrisi Colonial Government is the administrative, legislative and judicial aparatus of Datris. Unlike the other arms of the Aesalian Empire Datris is a democratic state with each citizen having a singular vote after the age of twenty-one. These votes go towards a unicameral parliament which appoints a Governor from within its own ranks, usually the leader of the largest party.    The Datrisi state is made up of three sections represented on the flag; the scientific directorate represented by purple, the civil service represented by red and the military represented by blue. The scientific directorate is responsible for the development of new technology, maintenance of the bunker cities and terraforming of the planet. The military is responsible for law enforcement and the defence of the colony both on the ground and in the void. Finally the civil service manage all other aspects of the state and make up the largest of the factions.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Datrisi Government
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Related Ethnicities

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