Couatl Class Cruiser Vehicle in The Void | World Anvil
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Couatl Class Cruiser

Class Military Cruiser Field of Operation Space
Drive Dosterich Engine, Thrusters Advertised Function Military Assault Cruiser
HP 2000 Required Pilots 8
Armour 20 MOV 2

Weapons & Armament

The heavily armoured cruisers that find use as the heavy ships of the Datrisi Colonial Self-Defence Force, the Couatl possess a range of weapons to aid their anti-pirate functions. The ships arms include ten torpedo bays, a fore-mounted rail gun, a full PDT network and a set of grapplers on either side of the vessel. In addition military possessed Couatl contain a full armoury capable of equiping one hundred and twenty soldiers.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Couatl is able to house three shuttles in ventral hanger bays. When used by the DCSDF these tend to be Harpy Class Corvettes that allow it to deploy housed marines onto planetary bases.
Creation Date
(Restricted) C 250,000,000
Complement / Crew

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