Hydra Class Cruiser Vehicle in The Void | World Anvil
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Hydra Class Cruiser

Class Military Cruiser Field of Operation Space
Drive Dosterich Engine, Thrusters Advertised Function Fast Attack Cruiser
HP 2000 Required Pilots 10
Armour 20 MOV 2

Weapons & Armament

One of the most heavily armed ships produced by the Akul Corporation. The Hydra possesses twelve torpedo tubes, six at the fore, two starboard, two port, and two mounted at the aft. It also possesses both a fore and aft-mounted rail gun, a fore-mounted grappler and full PDT coverage.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Raptor is able to carry up to three other ships which are often Harpy Class Corvettes. These are used to deploy squards of marines who can arm themselves from the on deck armoury.
Creation Date
(Restricted) C 300,000,000
Complement / Crew

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