Datris Settlement in The Void | World Anvil
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Length of Day (1 Rotation) 17 Imperial Standard Hours
Length of Year (1 Orbit) 1299 Imperial Standard Days
Atmospheric Pressure
Atmospheric Composition 17% Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide 62%, Nitrogen 11%, 3% Radon, 7% Other Gasses
Temperature (Degrees Celsius)
Ruling Government Datrisi Colonial Government 
Capitol Nucleus 


The surface of Datris is affective by high levels of radiation from the high level of radon in its atmosphere. Terraforming has made enough progress to alter the compositon to allow breathing of the surface air in emergencies though this is toxic and has significant detriment to the breathers health.   The major climate events however are the rad-storms in which huge dispersions of dust pass through regions for days at a time. These storms bring huge increases to the radioactivity of the area and are extremely dangerous. The installation of radiation dampeners across the planet has gone someway to reducing the frequency and severity of storms around populated areas though the effects of these vary.
5 Billion
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Vehicles Present

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