Nucleus Settlement in The Void | World Anvil
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Constructed over the course of two decades before colonists arrived Nucleus was a major milestone in engineering. An indepdendent self-sustaining settlement away from Aesalia seemed an impossible task yet nucleus continues to endure today serving as the heart of the Datrisi Colonial Government.


Nucleus uses a thick layer concrete to ensure it remains airtight. This also provides the advantage of protecting them from any threats that could arise on teh planet. Nucleus' entrance is also guarded by turrets to defend against both aerial and land assault. The settlement itself possesses a full armoury capable of arming a large garrison of the Datrisi Colonial Army.


Nucleus is a multi-story silo the layers of which are divided into districts each with their own specialisation and residential properties. A central staircase goes from the entrance down to the very bottom and lifts are placed at intervals deeper within the districts. An electric tram line follows a circular route on each level to assist in movement around the districts.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Bunker City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present

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