Imperial Navy Organization in The Void | World Anvil
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Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy is one of the two branches of the Imperial Armed Forces responsible for all military action in or beyond the orbit of a planet. The Navy primarily protects trade routes against pirates waging its core conflict in the Pirate War against the United Brethren Fleets.


The Imperial Navy is comprised of nine fleets:
  • 1st Fleet - The Home Fleet responsible for the defence of Aesalia
  • 2nd Fleet - The Inner Guard responsible for the patrol and observation of space within the Alpen Belt
  • 3rd Fleet - One of the five 'shield fleets' responsible for patroling the void within colonised space beyond the Alpen Belt
  • 4th Fleet - One of the five 'shield fleets' responsible for patroling the void within colonised space beyond the Alpen Belt
  • 5th Fleet - One of the five 'shield fleets' responsible for patroling the void within colonised space beyond the Alpen Belt
  • 6th Fleet - One of the five 'shield fleets' responsible for patroling the void within colonised space beyond the Alpen Belt
  • 7th Fleet - One of the five 'shield fleets' responsible for patroling the void within colonised space beyond the Alpen Belt
  • 8th Fleet - The Hammer Fleet deployed to support other fleets in events of crisis or increased hostility.
  • 9th Fleet - The Exploration & Research Fleet responsible for the discovery, mapping and research of new cosmic entitites and phenomenon.
Each of the fleets contains its own marine corps that it is responsible for training, stationing and deploying as necessary. Warships are assigned by requisition and need to best aid the fleets in their duties nad responsibilities.

Public Agenda

One of the most notable roles of the navy is in the classification of ships. All ships are given a classification on their creation which is linked to their individualised transponder code. This classification is archived by the Navy who are free to change it based on updated information such as reported thefts or criminal activity. Ships on creation fall within the imperial classifications but may move to Unidentified if their transponder does not match a known code or hostile if they belong to a known hostile faction or foreign force. In the latter two instances the classification of war, civilian, medical or science is based off ship design or stated function.    Existing classification are:  
IWS Imperial War Ship
ICS Imperial Civilian Ship
IMS Imperial Medical Ship
ISS Imperial Science Ship
HWS Hostile War Ship
HCS Hostile Civilian Ship
HMS Hostile Medical Ship
HSS Hostile Science Ship
UWS Unidentified War Ship
UCS Unidentified Civilian Ship
UMS Unidentified Medical Ship
USS Unidentified Science Ship
UFS Unidentified Foreign Ship


Founded by Emperor Gaius Rodorian VII in 8E-068 the Imperial Navy is one of two wings of the Imperial Armed Forces alongside the Imperial Guard. Taking officers and heritage from the former maritime force the spaceborne force was created to act as the empires arm within the void.    Initially the Navy took on a doctrine of fleet in being. It's forces grew steadily prioritising the navies role in aiding infrastructure, rescue and exploration over combat needs. Emergence of pirates and pre-emption against potential alien life led to the steady development of a grown fleet. Based out of Aesalia and soon the stations these fleets would patrol major trade routes and deploy in responce to sightings of pirates. This reactive approach allowed clever pirates to adopt hit and run tactics slowly growing in number and leading to the eventual formation of the United Brethren Fleets.   Over the course of the Pirate War the Imperial Navy experienced a major expansion alongside a change in doctrine to one of space control. Expanding the force from six to nine fleets the Navy began to designate regions of control, establish station headquarters and new patrol routes and policies to ensure the presence of the Empire was never forgotten. Within the new approach is the belief that any ship travelling the void between Corenthis and Tovanron should see the navy at least once a week if not more reguarly.
Founding Date
Military, Space navy
Alternative Names
Parent Organization

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