Pirate War Military Conflict in The Void | World Anvil
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Pirate War

The Pirate War was a major intrasolar conflict between the Imperial Navy and the United Brethren Fleets. The conflict lasted thirty-three years though most of the major fighting occured in its final decade with the first two primarily witnessing small scale guerilla conflict between the bodies as the Imperial Navy grew and developed more structured patrol routes around the sytem. Alongside this was the creation of the Datrisi, Tovranite and Corenian Colonial Self-Defence Forces which removed pressure of the Imperial Navy to focus on protecting the colonies themselves.   The turning point in the war was the The Battle of the Li Shao which exposed the believed to be defunct Kesper Station as the base of operations for the United Brethren Fleets. From there a policy of corraling was employed with the aim of concentrating the major players of the UBF on the station. With careful use of patrols and several spies the Imperial Navy was ultimately successful allowing for the final Battle of Pandalin Station which saw the defeat of the United Brethren Fleets and the officially declared end of the Pirate War.

The Conflict


The Pirate War emerged from a steadily growing trend of piracy within the void. First emerging not long after space mining began as an industry the first pirates targeted ships taking precious metals from the Alpen Belt to Aesalia often using distress beacons to trick travellers into boarding only to rob them of their goods, and at times their ship itself.   As the settlement of the system expanded so too did space piracy with more advanced strategies and vessels becoming an increasing threat to the stability of intrasolar trade. Though the Imperial Navy was tasked with managing the threat the vast expanse of space paired with the still youthful technology limited its functionality. This percieved lack of threat led to the eventual rise of organised piracy with the formation of the United Brethren Fleets. The discovery of this 'united front' led to Emperor Isabel Rodorian II declaring a state of emergency commencing the conflict.

Historical Significance


Following the war piracy has significantly reduced across the system though it has not been entirely eradicated. The organising structures of space piracy have largely collapsed with those surviving captains competing for dominance amongst the shattered remains of the United Brethren Fleets. No major centre of power has been since identified and the few survivors of note hold large bounties and designated ships in the Imperial Navy whose sole function is to hunt them down and bring them to justice.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Pirate Defeat

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