Kofor Teris Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Kofor Teris

Commander Kofor Gaius Teris (a.k.a. The White Whale)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kofor Teris, a former commander of the United Brethren Fleet, responsible for several ground wars in stations across the void was a one of the first major arrests of the Pirate War. Captured following an extensive campaign in the underbelly of Intona Station Kofor was detained on the ICS Korabine for the remainder of the conflict.   Though initially unwilling to cooperate with the empire Kofor served with minimal interaction with others in his low gravity cell even in the face of assorted interogation strategies. When the war ended he contineud to refuse to cooperate until a ship took him to Pandalin Station to see the former stronghold. Now draped in imperial flags Kofor agreed to reveal the identity of numerous informants within the Confederation of Guilds and Imperial Navy that had helped the United Brethren Fleets. In exchange for his testimony Kofor was granted early release on condition he remain within the outer planets never crossing the Alpen Belt or entering the orbit of any of the colonies.    Content to remain in his old home Kofor remained on Pandalin Station where he operates as the dockyard manager of the Rolan Docks in Taika Town. Rumours on the station alledge he uses this position to serve as the co-leader of The Pact though no official charges have been raised.
Current Location
Date of Birth
8th Gruumara
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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