Mikhail Dosterich Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Mikhail Dosterich

Mikhail Dosterich was a Datrisi engineer responsible for the creation of the Dosterich Engine. Often known for his abrupt sense of humour and reckless purusit of discovery his combination of several prototype engineering schemes paired with the theft of a Imperial Navy corvette to test the prototype engine led to him being one of the first folk heroes of the Datrisi Colony  In his later life Dosterich became a vocal advocate for independence eventually disapearing from public eye in an incident that continues to spike controversy. Competing claims argue whether he was assassinated by the Aesalian Empire, loyalists within the Datrisi Colonial Government or simply went into hiding. Some radical views also argue that he may have entered a cryogenic state until the freedom of his planet or that he may have found a means to upload his intelligence into a robotic form that now moves freely among a society that cannot recognise him.
Date of Birth
9th Gruumara
Date of Death
19th Watcher
87 153 66 years old
Circumstances of Death
Disappearance: Death Assumed but unconfirmed
Place of Death
He / Him

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