Natasha Toskoi Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Natasha Toskoi

Admiral Natasha Toskoi (a.k.a. The Duchess)

Admiral Natasha Toskoi is the leader of the Datrisi Colonial Navy. An outspoken republican the admiral served in the Imperial Navy until her dishonourable discharge following a refusal to salute to Emperor Isabel Rodorian II during a tour of her ship. Natasha served then as a private captain protecting Datrisi merchants until the formation of the fleet at which point she was named its leader.    Though criticised by the officials of the Aesalian Empire Toskoi is recognised for her astute tactical mind and is a close friend of the Lord Admiral Benjamin Reyez.
Date of Birth
28th Marvi
Year of Birth
119 79 Years old
She / Her

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