Nosfera Class Battleship Vehicle in The Void | World Anvil
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Nosfera Class Battleship

Class Military Battleship Field of Operation Space
Drive Dosterich Engine, Thrusters Advertised Function Military Flagship
HP 35000 Required Pilots 18
Armour 35 MOV 1

Weapons & Armament

The largest ships in the system, Nosfera boast a formidable armoury of weapons alongside the dropships it can deploy in a fight. It wields twenty-four torpedo tubes including six mounted at the fore, six starboard, six port and six at the aft. Nosfera ships reguarly hold nuclear missiles alongside their stores for extreme situations. Two fore-mounted rail guns grant additional danger to its direct targets and a full coverage of PDTs can be used to be even more dangerous. Finally the grapplers can be used to drag wounded ships in for capture and, at times, reservicing into the Imperial Navy.

Hangars & docked vessels

Hanger bays within the Nosfera Class Battleships hold space for ships as large as frigates. Often they will include a complement of Cao-Tsu Class Frigates alongside a squadron of Hitatchi Class Frigates to transfer the marines stationed aboard the ship to the ground if needed.
Creation Date
(Restricted) C 500,000,000
Complement / Crew

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