Octavius Corvus Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Octavius Corvus

Rodor Voi'yar Octavius Corvus (a.k.a. The Pirate King)

The Rodor Voi'yar Octavius Corvus was born to a pair of starship engineers on Datris but would grow up to become the most infamous pirate of the age creating and leading the United Brethren Fleets and waging the Pirate War against the inner fleets.   Generating mixed feelings amongst the Voi'yar some of whom see him as a hero and others as an opportunistic thug his achievments are without doubt significant. His death in the Battle of Pandalin Station would mark the end of both the United Brethren Fleets and the Pirate War.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
3rd Watcher
Date of Death
11th Gruumara
142 195 53 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed fighting in the Battle of Pandalin Station
Place of Death
He / Him
Aligned Organization

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