Raziya Yerikeva Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Raziya Yerikeva

'Captain' Raziya Naomi Yerikeva (a.k.a. The Storm Witch)

----------------------------------------------------------------------   Active Bounty Avaliable   C 200,000   Alive or Half Payment if Dead   C 5000 for information leading to her arrest or capture   Raziya Yerikeva Captain of the Tarasque   Believed to be armed and dangerous within the proxmitiy of Arjunax   Body to be delivered to Imperial Law Enforcement officials   ----------------------------------------------------------------------  

Physical Description

Special abilities

Forums Speculation:
  • Several rumours alledge that Raziya is a Mancer and able to control lightning leading to the nickname 'Storm Witch'
  •   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

  • One of the rising stars within the United Brethren Fleets before their defeat in the Battle of Pandalin Station.
  • Born unregistered though date of brith believed to be 8th Gruumara 162 on Kanuna Station.
  • Former captain of the Tarasque known to operate on shipping lanes between Datris and Tovanron.
  • Responsible for numerous deaths or both military and civilians.
  • Several forums suggest she is still on Pandalin Station.
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Year of Birth
    162 36 Years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    She / Her
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

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