
Fortification   Founded by the retired adventurer Well-Met Vonzint who seeks to kill the Kaltirflyssman who killed his former adventuring party.   Occassionally recruits from the The Night Maidens and Hangman Tribe but most recruits from Prensuchdt.   The Klittirndilfin shun the place and only speak ill of the people who live their since they venerate the Kaltirflyssman.   The fortification sends patrols up and down the river to hunt for signs of the Kaltirflyssman which are often attacked by the Klittirndilfin.   When doing construction and/or short on materials, they'll loot the ruins of Wistwachi.   Redcap Stabbings will attack their supply patrols that they send south. The Stabbings will decorate the roads between Wistwachi and the ford with the heads of Birgfroid soldiers.   The commander of the Vurbiogihin, Hard-Charging Giurg is making a 'killing' off of the trade going north to the Birgfroid. Normally the post is cold, wet, unwelcoming, and the pay is terrible but now it's just cold, wet, and unwelcoming.   The Bandit's Temple is pro-Kaltirflyssman, seeing him as a divine spirit and worth saving and will oppose the Birgfroid where possible.


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