
https://bestiary.dragon-slayer.net/beast/488/gm   Has the enchanted item lodged in its heart. It was put there by the fighter of Well-Met Vonzint 's party but didn't kill the giant.   The quagman accidently killed Well-Met Vonzint's adventuring party who know sends patrols from Birgfroid to try and kill him.   Venerated by the Klittirndilfin who, in times of great strife and struggle, send a warrior to claim him to recieve insight and wisdom. He is friends with Dire Qin who has sought him multiple times.   The elves send their own patrols to protect him from Well-Met Vonzint.   The Bandit's Temple is pro-Kaltirflyssman, seeing him as a divine spirit and worth saving and will oppose the Birgfroid where possible.   The Tiefeschuppen fear the Kaltirflyssman more than they fear the Hurnblasir and the Seedrache   The Kaltirflyssman knows about the location of Quiet and it's overwhelming power.


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