
Tribe Climbing Elves   https://bestiary.stone-fish.com/beast/199/gm A Clan of 2 Binders, 2 Dancers, 1 Dervish, 1 Fencer, and 2 Fliers (1 Unique) 96 non-combatants   Clanhead Water Khii   Famous hero Dire Qin   Have a good relationship with the Night Maidens because the Night Maidens often take the blame for their raids and attacks.   Venerate the Kaltirflyssman and actively send out patrols to attack hunting parties from the Birgfroid. During times of trouble, they send a hero to climb the Kaltirflyssman to gain insight and wisdom on what to do. Dire Qin goes the most often.   They hate and shun the Birgfroid because of its vendetta against the Kaltirflyssman.   The Klittirndilfin feel it is good luck to touch the top of the Cenotaph of Aldigyndos which sticks out of the river. It is an oldy shaped protrusion.   The Klittirndilfin genereally leave The Bandit's Temple alone as they're unitied in their defense of the Kaltirflyssman but they're not friends and don't really like each other.   The Klittirndilfin hold a ceremony once a month where they send a willing warrior into The Meatgrinder to attempt to retrieve the item there. None have returned.   The Klittirndilfin will often attack the Hangman Tribe as a way of protecting the Kaltirflyssman but they disguise themselves as the The Night Maidens.


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