Far Abbey

Religious location   A Monastery of 32 Servant aligned with parent faith They tend to stray from the conventional beliefs of the main faith, often fixating on one specific thing or having a wildly different interpretation for the holy works. They have a closed membership.   The abbot is Goat-Mouth Gyntir   An Army of 2 Artillerys, 1 Flanker, 2 Frontlines, 3 Heavys, 12 Irregulars, 1 Raider, 1 Skirmisher, and 2 Vanguards (soldiers) The captain is Singing Cunstanzi   The Firdt Lake Shrine has been largely closed down because of how close it is to the Seedrache. Now monks and priests who should be on duty taking care of the shrine, are waiting around in Far Abbey, only occassionally trying to carry out the rites to honor the divines in secret and as quickly as possible to avoid notice.   In the archives, there is information about the Cave Portals: specifically, that they're one way (they only take you south).   The pilgrams and monks of the Far Abbey and the Firdt Lake Shrine are the main targets of the Doom Axes   The Wuchdtilfin are 'converts'. There are suspicions that they only converted to leech the abbey's resources but the abbot, Goat-Mouth Gyntir, has decided it's not his business to second-guess them. Captain Singing Cunstanzi, the captain of the abbey guards, thinks otherwise but won't openly oppose the abbot.   The monks of the Firdt Lake Shrine are assigned from the Far Abbey   The first abbotess of the Far Abbey, Two-Eyed Tatoana, went to tear down the Braystones but never returned. Her body was never recovered.   The Sprongindilfin generally harass travelers going along the abbey road towards the Far Abbey and the Firdt Lake Shrine by demanding a toll of iron and steel, in any form.   The Mottlirischnayzin harass Meedt pilgrams traveling to the Far Abbey and Firdt Lake Shrine.   The abbot of Far Abbey is under the dioceses of Prensuchdt and their high priest, Blindwolf Ditliv, who Goat-Mouth Gyntir doesn't like.   There are rumors about The Nekromant's Tomb among the monks but nobody knows where it is. Just the rumors of who The Nekromant was and what his ultimate plans were.


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