Firdt Lake Shrine

RELIGIOUS LOCATION /w enchanted item   The Firdt Lake Shrine has been largely closed down because of how close it is to the Seedrache. Now monks and priests who should be on duty taking care of the shrine, are waiting around in Far Abbey, only occassionally trying to carry out the rites to honor the divines in secret and as quickly as possible to avoid notice.   People know about the Cave Portals but nobody uses that route since the Xanthic Hold was destroyed.   The pilgrams and monks of the Far Abbey and the Firdt Lake Shrine are the main targets of the Doom Axes   The monks of the Firdt Lake Shrine are assigned from the Far Abbey   The Sprongindilfin generally harass travelers going along the abbey road towards the Far Abbey and the Firdt Lake Shrine by demanding a toll of iron and steel, in any form.   The Mottlirischnayzin harass Meedt pilgrams traveling to the Far Abbey and Firdt Lake Shrine.   The Hurnblasir will come in and steal the offerings that are left by the priests when they leave the Firdt Lake Shrine.   The Wuchdtilfin have been trying to get hold of the Hurnblasir to feed them information on when the priests are at the Firdt Lake Shrine so they can be attacked but the lizardfolk won't give them the time of day.


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