High Shrine of Morjana

Religious Location   Heretical Secret Cult Closed   There is the public side and the secret cult   The Black Brothers send someone up their weekly to do a sacrifice to keep the goddess happy.   The Sympfilfin worship Morjana but in a different aspect so they do offer reverence to the shrine but are generally against the human priesthood.   The priests also take care of Seigen's Henge but on an occasionally basis.   The priests of the High Shrine of Morjana know about the Will o' the Forest and will warn people away from the area for their own good.   The priests of the secret order at the High Shrine of Morjana are the only ones who know about The Buried Pyre and hold their secret rituals there.   The shrine is under the nominal control of the Prensuchdt and its high priest Blindwolf Ditliv but the shrine has a reputation for being rebellious and unmanageable.


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