Seedrache Giant monster w/ enchanted item   Normally sleeps at the bottom of the lake. Basically wants to be left alone.   The Blytschnayzin consider seeing the lake to be an ill omen due to the Seedrache   The Hangman Tribe used to fish in Firdt Lake until the Seedrache went on its rampage. They think it's connected to the normally reclusive Hurnblasir who've now become more aggressive.   The Firdt Lake Shrine has been largely closed down because of how close it is to the Seedrache. Now monks and priests who should be on duty taking care of the shrine, are waiting around in Far Abbey, only occassionally trying to carry out the rites to honor the divines in secret and as quickly as possible to avoid notice.   The Hurnblasir gained control of the Seedrache when they discovered an ancient horn in the ruins of the isle they live on.   The Tiefeschuppen worship the Seedrache as the son of Damkina and a god in its own right. They see the Hurnblasir as their priests and prophets.   The Wuchdtilfin fear the Seedrache as a power god. They believe it's recent awaken has to do with ritual impurity due to the conversion and a splinter group within the tribe has formed.   The Sprongindilfin stay away from the coast due to the Seedrache.


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