Hurnblasir Monsters w/ enchanted item   They control the Seedrache via an enchanted horn they discovered in the ruins on the island.   They send Tiefeschuppen warbands up the valley to attack the heretic Huchlandichsin, hoping to wipe them out.   The Tiefeschuppen are afraid of the Hurnblasir due to their control of the Seedrache.   The Hurnblasir will come in and steal the offerings that are left by the priests when they leave the Firdt Lake Shrine.   The Wuchdtilfin have been trying to get hold of the Hurnblasir to feed them information on when the priests are at the Firdt Lake Shrine so they can be attacked but the lizardfolk won't give them the time of day.   The Hangman Tribe used to fish in Firdt Lake until the Seedrache went on its rampage. They think it's connected to the normally reclusive Hurnblasir who've now become more aggressive.   The Hurnblasir gained control of the Seedrache when they discovered an ancient horn in the ruins of the isle they live on.   The Tiefeschuppen worship the Seedrache as the son of Damkina and a god in its own right. They see the Hurnblasir as their priests and prophets.


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