
Grunzen   Lead by Unhearing Qonqath   The Huchlandichsin lead bands of Tiefeschuppen into bands of Blytschnayzin warriors so the pygmy lizardfolk don't have to fight. The Grunzen are unaware.   Will often hire the Iron Tribe (with food and supplies instead of gold) to scope out other grunzen in the area.   They have rumors among their kind of a spring in the area (Morjana's Spring) that is able to grant a warrior near immunity to the elements.   They suspect that the Raven Gang is in the area but they've so far evaded them. The grunzen are worried that they're spying for another grunzen drove.   They believe that the harpies of the Maiden's Nest are minor devils sent to this world to test the mental strength of their warriors and so they'll often send their unproven warriors to the nest to see how long they can go. Their leader, Unhearing Qonqath holds the record for the longest time at the next - 3 days.   They will nail prisoners and disobediant slaves to Ingil's Column   They still well clear of the site of the lake shore line as it is bad luck. Too many have died to the Seedrache's wrath.   They believe that the sword at the bottom of Estra's Fountain is cursed due to the fact that every grunz that has touch it has died instantly.   Their shaman, Drumbeater Zimoz will go to listen to the Drumming Peaks to learn the will and favor of Damkina.   The Crow Killers will sell them slaves that they take.   There are always grunzen warriors wallowing in the mud of Mud Henge. They're extremely relaxed and way less violent in this area.   If a piglet isn't healthy or strong enough, it is hurled from Hrudylf's Spike


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