Iron Tribe

Hide out w/ enchanted item   Treason Common History   They're often hired (for food and supplies) by the Blytschnayzin to scope out other grunzen droves in the area.   Hrudylf's Spike serves as neutral ground for the Raven Gang and the Iron Tribe and very occasionally the Crow Killers   The Raven Gang tend to stay out of the Iron Tribe's way. When they cross paths, it's typically awkward and unsure since neither has gotten a good read on each other.   The Crow Killers are kill on sight for the Iron Tribe as the Crows actively try and kidnap their members to sell into slavery.   The leader of the Iron Tribe, Fusilier Holda, bathes in Morjana's Spring every other day.   The Iron Tribe know about the corrupting nature of Mud Henge after one of their members went feral: they still haunt the stones.   The Face of Morjana can be seen from their camp although none of the members of the Iron Tribe know how to get there. They have an unspoken fear of the place that causes them to avoid the subject.


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