Raven Gang

Hide out   Bribery In the middle of a score   They just moved into the area and have been keeping it on the DL while they plan out their score. So far, they've managed to avoid the Blytschnayzin, who suspect them of being spies for another grunzen drove, which they're not.   Hrudylf's Spike serves as neutral ground for the Raven Gang and the Iron Tribe and very occasionally the Crow Killers   The Raven Gang is working to on a heist to get the enchanted item in Ingil's Column   The Raven Gang tend to stay out of the Iron Tribe's way. When they cross paths, it's typically awkward and unsure since neither has gotten a good read on each other.   The Maiden's Nest hate the Raven Gang as the gang has figured out that shields, javelins, and muscial instruments (Zampogna) are enough to ward off the harpies.   The Raven Gang know about the Morjana's Spring and that fact that the leader of the Iron Tribe bathes there but they don't use the information because they're not trying to antagonize them.


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