Maiden's Nest

Monsters / Secrets   The Blytschnayzin will often send their young pigs to the nest, where they will sit and mediate within earshot of the nest. Some go insane, some are killed by the harpies, and some return mentally strengthened by their trial.   When one of the sisters or daughters get too old, the harpies of the Maiden's Nest chase them away to Ingil's Column   The harpies of the Maiden's Nest know of the legend of the Remains of the Great Griffin and worship the Great Griffin as their father.   The harpies of the Maiden's Nest will scavenge the piglet bodies from Hrudylf's Spike   They hate the Raven Gang as the gang has figured out that shields, javelins, and muscial instruments (Zampogna) are enough to ward off the harpies.


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