
Monsters   Occasionally, the Byrgilfin will take on Waldschnayzin mercs if the raid is going to be particularly brutal. In exchange, the elves will supply them with slaves.   The Waldschnayzin know about the Smuggler's Shelter and their leader will sometimes raid it, stealing something here or there, because he loves fancy hats and will wear multiple of them at the same time.   Trade used to come along the coast road until the Waldschnayzin settled on the route and basically made it a non-starter. Since then, the village of Sydlagir has started to die.   The Waldschnayzin also worship at The Pit of the Goddess although it is known as the womb of Damkina. They throw 10% of everything they get on their raids (including living slaves) down it.   The Throat-Slit Outlaws will often ambush the Waldschnayzin who try to travel south.


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