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Dunia is the central material plane, and the mortal realm ruled by the Trinity of Creation. The world does not exist as a planet in a solar system, but instead floats in the Astral Sea. If one were to sail into the open oceans surrounding the continents of Dunia they would end up in the Astral Sea, and would eventually be able to reach other planes of existence. This mixing with cosmic energies makes the open seas of Dunia wild and difficult to traverse, and most sea-faring vessels prefer sticking to the coastlines. Dunia has a mostly tropical climate in the southern half, and a mediteranian climate around the middle. Only the most northern continents have year long cold climates.

Tamed and Wylde

Dunia is divided into two major types of land, wyldelands and tamed land. Wyldelands are rugged and dangerous, filled with monsters and magic. No large man-made structures able to last for long, as the Wylderness slowly corrodes such structures. Monsters typically roam these lands, and one needs to be strong and skillful to survive here.   The tamed lands are developed and ordered. These include cities, towns, farming vilages, patroled patches of forests, traversable rivers and open fields. The tamed lands are controlled by local authorities that are responsible for upholding the law and maintaining the infrastructure, lest the wyldernis undoes their efforts and swallows their lands.



Map of the material plane

Map of the material plane of Dunia


The planet Dunia contains four major land masses, each with their own geography and climate. These four are the southern continent of Elamdu, the northern continent of Skordor, the western land of Rhodania, and the Twinned continent to the east. They are connected to each other by a mediterranian sea that weaves between the continents called the Middlestrait.  


The central continent of Elamdu is the most southern landmass on Dunia and has a mostly tropical climate with high temperatures. The south of the continent has massive swaths of rainforest while the north contains savannas, and deserts. The east of the continets has a large archapelago of tropical islands. Elamdu contains some of the largest cities and settlements on Dunia, and is by far the most populated.  


The continent of Rhodania is set appart from the rest of Dunia by the magical Stormwinds that affect all the natural processes on the continent.   The western lands of Rhodania are filled with forests of massive redwood trees. The winters are harsh here, though the summers are warm and plentiful. Many of the mountains and hills float in the sky, due to the continent's magics.   The eastern lands of bear the brunt of the Stormwinds, and are deeply tied with them. The coasts are scoured and hostile, while the lands beyond them are saturated with magical energies. The lands are harsh, but produce a plethora of natural bounties.  


The northern continent of Skordor has a temperate climate, with cold climates at higher latitudes. The center of the continent is a vast grassland called the Sunstone Steppes and temperate forrest and hills in the Dulvai Valleys. These lands are divided by the Irongor Mountains. Above the mountains are the frigid wastes.  


The Middlestrait is the central body of water on Dunia that contains most of the international sea routes connecting the continents with each other. The shores of the Middlestrait consist of many countries, city states and trade empires, each plugged into a global network of trade that exchanes wealth, culture, and resources between nations. The greatest of these nations is the City of Gold, located on Mount Dunia, the highest mountain in the world.  

The Twins

The twinned continent has a temperate climate, and is a land of magic and mysterties. The entire landmass is surounded by a wall of mists and has little to no exchange with the rest of the planet.


  • Dunia
    Map of the material plane of Dunia
Included Locations


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