

  • The Red Zone is the Seven Mile gang’s turf, located in the northeast corner of the 48205 ZIP code between Seven Mile and Eight Mile roads, east of Gratiot and west of Kelly. Part pharmacy, part killing field and part music studio, it's so feared that even cops dare not patrol the streets at night. This once made it an ideal hutning ground for inclined kindred, though it is now much the opposite, with members actively patrolling for any kindred who still lurk there. This makes reprisal against them difficult, leaving the kindred to simply spread out to different domains.
  • Georgia Street is a long suffering neihborhood that's only worsened in the wake of the recession. Not content to wait on their failing goverment, members of the community have begun various efforts to revitalise the area, such as planting gardens in empty lots and clearing away debries. What's bad for kine is often good for kindred, making these activists likely targets for hungry and oppertunistic vamps.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Sabbat is known to have a diminished hold in the area. Weakened by the Second Inquisition, they remain more shadowed then ever, cooperating with the Dragons to protect their territories. They're known to leave well enough alone, making their presence hard to detect for even fellow Kindred.
  • The Caramilla was formally pushed out of the city decades ago. Remaining princes and other figures of authoriy have been pushed out, leaving their presence in the city quite faint. Most moved to Chicago or beyond, sending agents to look after their Detroit territories.
  • The Anarchs primarily fled to the suburbs or countryside after the Second Inquisition. However, many have made moves back to the city, promoting cooperation between Kindred in dire times. Though they are hardly a unified front, as other Anarchs and Independants roll in to enact their own plans, they're the most vocal and powerful Kindred force present in the city, led by a powerful Baroness.
  • The Seven Mile Bloods are a gang notorious to mortals for their grip on the local opiod trade and control of one of the most dangerous areas of the city. Years ago they discovered the Kindred's presence, members joining alongside other gangs to hunt them down. This lead to the creation of Night's Cross, a paramilitary group dedicated to learning about and hunting vampires within the city.


Originally a Camarilla stronghold the city fell to the Sabbat during the 20th century. Since then Detroit was primarily known for being a domain of that sect. Detroit was valuable territory for the Sabbat despite its economic woes, and the sect sought to revitalize the city with a shift in industrial focus. The bishopric was claimed by three Elders of the Black Hand that battled against each other nightly for control over the city. With one of the highest murder rates in the United States, Detroit (which has been known as “the murder capital of the US”) provided ample feeding grounds for its dwellers. Unlike some of their brethren to the south, the Sabbat of Detroit did not concentrate on capturing neighboring Camarilla cities (propaganda of the same on the contrary). Rather, the city’s vampires focused on bolstering the flagging fortunes of their home. The Harbinger of Skulls Mordechai Ben-Nun is known to use Detroit as a base in his studies of the Kuei-jin, conducting experiments on both Kindred and Cathayans to learn more about them. The Independent Clans, like the Giovanni and Followers of Set, also held small holdings within the cities territory. The local Setite are members of the Walid Set major and are well entrenched in the city which the setites use to transport goods and relics from Middle East and North Africa to the USA. Ashirra maintain a sizeable presence as well and are moving there in great numbers, being attracted by the large presence of Arabs, which is the highest in USA, Detroit has become the most valuable foothold outside their sourceland.   Their fortunes, however, shifted in 2005, when a reckless vampire tried to exert influence over a local gang. Instead, he was taken captive and tortured for information, revealing the existence of vampires. Local gangs reacted with a violent campaign against any vampiric influence that soon spilled over in other cities. The Camarilla has issued a warning to all vampires that have settled near the city, and most vampires have retracted their resources, leaving the city in further ruin.

Points of interest

  • Sterner Hall is a tarbanacle crafted from an old performing arts center, now belonging to the Nephelim.


A number of Kindred from suburban or rural communities will make visits to Detroit, as well as those of nomadic nature. This is often to feed on the city's population, especially as skyrocketing homelessness makes kine all the more vulnerable to fangs in the dark. Disputes can arrise when one hunts on another Kindred's hunting ground, though these lines are less heavily enforced, as mortal hunters still prowl the streets.
Founding Date
Large city
831,626, roughly a dozen Kindred
Owning Organization

This article has no secrets.


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