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Adventure Summary Session 12

General Summary

Guardians of the Scarnetti’s (loggers) Mausoleum
  The mausoleum entrance has a large metal door. Sparks of blue arcane energy can be seen shimmering across the door. There is an etching next to the door with writing above it (written in Chelaxians ): “We are one in this endeavor. Place them here.” With symbols reflecting a Shipbuilder, Glassmaker, and Brewer over the etch. The hero’s analyzed the inscriptions and Pandereos placed the rings in the correct order into the alcove. The arcane energies ceased to exist leaving 2 steel doors that are locked. Pandereos checked for traps, finding none he proceeded to pick the lock. Unfortunately, his skills failed him this time and Pandereos damaged the lock. Luckily, Shialu produced a scroll of Knock, incanted the symbols that produced arcane symbols glowing in the air. The symbols moved and landed on both doors. The doors started to shake and then opened. Pandereos and Gorin analyzed the stairs and noticed many small goblinoid footprints mixed with several humanoid footprints.  
The Crypt Entrance Chamber
  The stairs descend downward about 60 feet. Pandereos found a glyph trap on the walk down and stopped Gorin from stepping on it. Pandereos signaled the others, and moved further down the stairs to finally reach the bottom. At the bottom, a raised portcullis was raised allowing entrance to the tomb. The chamber was lit by torches attached to four pillars within the room. Two two large burning cisterns helped illuminate the room at the tomb entrance. The pillars all had arcane runes on them spiraling to the ceiling. A large fog covered the top of a pit that was centrally located in the wide chamber. Two sarcophagi were located on each side of the chamber with inscriptions written on them. The chamber ended with a larger sarcophagi standing at the far end of the room beyond the pit and pillars. There is some kind of engravings on the east and west walls, but its too far away to decipher at this distance.   With the room surveyed, the rest of the heroes descended the stairs, while navigating the glyph trap discovered by Pandereos. The portcullis raised concerns with Shialu, but everyone still entered the room cautiously. Once inside the room, Pandereos quickly decided to approach the closest sarcophagi and secure the lid from opening after all the undead encounters in the cemetery. As Pandereos began his inspection of the sarcophagi, he noticed the inscription read “Bamkin Scarnetti”. The sarcophagi showed no signs of being opened, indicating it was still sealed from when Bamkin was buried. Pandereos retrieved his rope to secure the headstone and once he started attaching the rope it set off a chain of events ending with the portcullis crashing down and sealing our heroes in the tomb.     The pillar runes started to magically light up and a magic mouth appeared next to the Thassilon runes asking for the riddles answer above the sarcophagi. Pandereos tried to answer, but it was rejected. The rest of the heroes spread throughout the room looking for other clues to the answer. Now closer to the pit, our heroes noticed a magical fog covering the top of it. Visuma, now at the edge of the pit, cast Glitterdust down into the pit. The magical fog even blocked anything now glowing violet from the spell. Someone would have to descend through the fog to find out what is below actually below. Tharuzall dropped a torch that allowed him to assess it was about 25 feet deep. The runes were now fully sparkling all the way to the ceiling with blue arcane energies started jumping between the pillars. Luckily, Visuma used her vast knowledge to shout out the correct answer to the first riddle. The acceptance lowered the intensity of the arcane energies, but it still set off a charge that covered the entire room. This produced electrical damage to our heroes.   As the pillars started to recharge, chaos erupted as the heroes looked for safety. Pandereos moved towards the far sarcophagi, which allowed him to recognize the inscription of Ezakien Tobyn . The sarcophagi headstone was partially open allowing Pandereos to see inside. The assumed skeleton was missing as only burial robes remained. It was curious all the bones had been taken. Was this really why the goblins attacked Sandpoint directly? Pandereos did notice a shiny gem still attached to the burial clothing. Shialu approached the other sarcophagi to activate the remaining riddle in hope to stop the arcane energies from discharging once again. Shialu read the inscription of “Elanti Scarnetti” as the Thassilon runes activated and the magic mouth asked for an answer to the riddle.   Our heroes had no quick answer to this riddle, as the pillar runes continued to cycle and launch arcane damage into the entire room. Pandereos launched himself into the sarcophagi and pulled the lid closed, where he might think of the answer without dying from these blasted energies. It was every hero for themselves … the rest of the heroes decided to climb into the pit and take their chances, except for Shialu as she continued to decipher the riddle. Visuma used her survival experience to secure a rope and begin her decent into the pit, with Gorin and Naffer Vosk quickly following. Naffer decided to take the quick way down, but it was painful as he landed with a thud below the magical fog.   As Visuma reached bottom, she was able to identify the threat below. Violet plants, originally green before the Glitterdust, outlined a yellow musk creeper attached to the far pit wall with skeletal remains lying in its vines on the floor. Unfortunately for the last pit occupants, the yellow musk creeper overpowered them and now had created two musk zombies from their corpses. A battle ensued between Visuma, Gorin, and Naffer against these ominous plants. Pandereos decided to join the fray instead of hiding in the sarcophagi. He could think and fight at the same time. Pandereos pushed the lid open and processed to swan dive down into the fog covered pit. Shialu and Tharuzall thought he was crazy but graceful launching himself without knowing what was below. Pandereos threw an alchemical fire while falling at the yellow musk creeper, while Gorin and Visuma engaged the yellow musk zombies. Tharuzall in a rage, jumped blindly into the pit and attacked the yellow musk zombies. Visuma, understanding the yellow musk creeper was the bigger threat, launched a Flaming Sphere into the vines along the wall to burn and destroy it.   Back in the tomb, Shialu refused to leave while desperately searching for the sequence of numbers to end this fiasco. The heroes battled against the plant threats, all the while trying to decipher the last riddle, with Shialu providing possible clues as they all guessed. The plant life forms proved no match for our heroes, which allowed time to finally decipher the last riddle. The correct answer stopped the arcane energies jumping to the pillars and saturating the room with destructive arcane energy damage.   The heroes slowly climbed out of the pit, and were wondering what next steps they should take before Pandereos greed and curiosity drove him to open a sarcophagus. He chose Elanti Scarnetti’s headstone to move as dust and old air emerged from it. The contents looked like a noble dressed in burial robes of fine quality with a glowing gold ring on her finger. The dead didn’t take the desecration well as their shadows rose up to take vengeance with ear piercing screams. As the heroes quickly rushed the shadows, they found their mundane weapons had no effect on these incorporeal undead. Through trial and error of the battle, magic weapons and spells caused partial damage, but only Shailu’s force spells seemed to do full damage. The shadows reached out, they drained strength from Tharuzall, Visuma, Pandereos, and Gorin. The battle started getting dicey, as Visuma and Tharuzall were badly drained, but luckily the teamwork of the entire band allowed them to survive. With the battle ended and our heroes staggering from strength damage and injuries, they took a moment to search the tomb. The search produced fruits of two magical rings, a Boro Bead, weapons, armor, and coin. Shialu started to identify the rings, but kept getting interrupted as Tharuzall seemed to want to comment on every minute detail in the tomb. Things clicked for Shialu when she identified the ring on Tharuzall as a Ring of Chatter. This cursed ring causes the wearer to constantly talk and rattle off unimportant details. Shialu identified the second as a Ring of Eloquence granting knowledge of inscribed languages to its wearer. The heroes decided Pandereos should use the ring since he was usually the main face of the party. Gorin, tired of this tomb, looked for a way to raise the portcullis. His search identified a switch in the Elanti Scarnetti sarcophagi that raised the portcullis. Now that the heroes identified the reason for the incursion, i.e. the missing bones of Ezekiel Tobyn, the threat was ended. It was time to rendezvous with Saban and Mordecai to leave the cemetery where Saban must activate the talisman to allow Abstalar Zantus to drop the divine barrier protecting Sandpoint.

Rewards Granted

Chatter Ring (Golden and full of runes) claimed by Tharuzall
Ring of Eloquence (Ettin, Giant, Goblin, Ogre) (Silver and Gilded with Music Symbols made of jade) claimed by Pandereos
Ezakien Tobyn (Former Priest of Sandpoint) Inside Crypt
Boro Bead claimed by Mordecai Thatcher

When the items listed in the “Notes” section below are all sold, this will give each hero: 205 gp 2 sp 9 cp

Missions/Quests Completed

The players discovered that Ezakien Tobyn tomb was raided and his bones were taken from the cemetery. But for what purpose?

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

The two riddles are listed below.   The first answer is "78". All the numbers when read upside down are 86-91.   The second answer is "13112221". Each number describes the previous number. This is the pattern.  

Related Reports

This is a continuation of the cemetery encounter found:


These items are yet not sold and divided among the heroes:  
  • Bearskin hide armour, with the head still attached and acting as a helm. (MW Hide Armor (3)) - Sell for 232 gp and 5 sp
  • Thick oak club studded with bronze knobs; its handle is wrapped in worg hide. (MW Greatclub (3)) - Sell for 457 gp and 5 sp
  • MW Breastplate (3) - Sell for 525 gp
  • Pandereos old rapier - Sell for 10 gp
  • Pandereos old dagger - Sell for 2 gp
  • Tharuzalls old falchion - Sell for 37 gp and 5 sp
  • Long swords - Sell for 22 gp and 5 sp
  • Chainshirt - Sell for 150 gp

Report Date
11 Jan 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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