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Adventure Summary Session 4

General Summary

The journey to Sandpoint

The party is still in shock after Paul’s heroic gesture of taking a poisoned deadly cross bolt into his chest, which most likely saved Pandereos life. With treasure safely stowed away, and two bodies on the last wagon, our caravan guards set off on the Lost Coast road. The wagons and horses had no trouble navigating a well traveled route. As one approaches Sandpoint, the footprint of civilization upon the Lost Coast grows clearer. Farmlands grow more numerous in outlying moors and valleys, and the blue-green waves of the Varisian Gulf bear ever more fishing vessels. Creeks and rivers are increasingly crossed by wooden bridges rather than fords, and the Lost Coast Road grows wider and is better kept. As the final bend is rounded as you approach from the north starting a decent down into a valley, Sandpoint’s smoking chimneys are seen from this distance. A stone wall offers the town a bit of protection, starting at the ocean running along the northern part of the village until it reaches the Turandarok River. The river offers the town protection along its eastern side. Here, the Lost Coast Road passes through a stone gatehouse that is generally watched by guards. As the caravan approaches a couple of guards can be seen atop the Gate houses and walls. Suddenly a couple more guards step out and tell the caravan to halt.

Entering Sandpoint

“What business do you have in Sandpoint?” Gorin begins to explain the Mercantile League writ for lumber, bandit attack, and Paul Bunyan’s death. The guards seem to recognize Tharuzall, but don’t say anything. Between commands about being taken to the Sheriff, the following names are heard: Sargull Grimsnarl, Feignind Swiftguard, Facuask Deshkul, Fustor Oskodder. Feignwind hops up on the wagon and takes the reins to Guide the caravan to the Garrison outpost. The party sees a huge cathedral that is newly built and dwarfs all the remaining structures in the city. The rest of the initial buildings look new in this part of the city. As the caravan proceeds deeper into the city, the buildings start looking older, making people wondered what happened with the new buildings being built. The caravan finally reaches a stone fortress consisting of two stories, located on the west side of town near the ocean and entrance to the Sandpoint bay. Windows are only found on the second level, which provide defense if the town were to be attacked. Guards can be seen patrolling outside and on top of the second-floor roof providing security. The double door to the entrance is steel, with a portcullis raised at the moment to provide more defense.

The Sheriff Meeting

As the party approaches the Garrison, a man is seen coming out to talk. He introduces himself as Belor Hemlock the city Sheriff. Visuma notices he’s from her own Shoanti tribe. The sheriff proceeds to question the party about events. Many conversations happen with his guards, namely:

 Send Shalelu to verify their account of the mass grave, cave & alter, and bandit attack
 Send Paul Bunyan to Father Zantus
 Secure Rorn the Bandit Leader the Bandit
 Provide lodging at Rusty Dragon Inn
 Don’t let them out of town

Belor Hemlock acknowledges Tharuzall and asks for him to vouch for his companions. Once completed, he motions them to go.

The First Night

Tharuzall guides them to the inn. Visuma and Saban take the horses and wagons to the Goblin Squash Stables, while the rest of the party goes into the inn. They proceed to meet the elderly halfling Bethana Corwin, who provides food and drink. As the night goes deeper they finally see Ameiko Kaijitsu , the tavern owner, delivering food, curses, and laughter. Ameiko approaches the party to discuss Paul’s death.

Late Unpleasantness

 Ameiko’s mother was killed. Ameiko’s father, Lonjiku Kaijitsu , woke in the middle of the night to a scream, and ran to the back porch of their cliff side manor, and saw his wife dead on the jagged rocks below.

 Jervas Snoot a.k.a. - Chopper. Over the course of one long month, it seemed that every day brought a new victim to light. Each was found in the same terrible state: body bearing deep cuts to the neck and torso, hands and feet severed and stacked nearby, and the eyes and tongue missing entirely, having been plucked crudely from each head. Over the course of that terrible month, Chopper claimed 25 victims. His uncanny knack at eluding traps and pursuit quickly wore on the town guard, taking a toll on Sheriff Avertin in particular, who increasingly took to drinking. In any event, Sheriff Avertin himself became Chopper’s last victim, slain upon catching the murderer in a narrow lane—known now as Chopper’s Alley—as he was mutilating his latest victim. In the battle that followed, Avertin landed a telling blow against the killer. When Belor Hemlock, then merely a town guard, found both bodies (Avertin’s and the penultimate victim) several minutes later, he rallied the guards and they were able to follow the killer’s bloody trail. The trail led straight to the stairs of Stoot’s Rock.

Sandpoint Cathedral Fire. A month after Chopper was slain, a terrible fire struck Sandpoint. The fire started in the Sandpoint Cathedral and spread quickly. As the town rallied to save the church, the inferno expanded, consuming the North Coast Stables, the White Deer Inn , and three homes. In the end, the church burnt to the ground, leaving the town’s beloved priest Father Ezakien Tobyn and his beautiful adopted daughter Nualia dead.


The Strange Encounter

Ameiko Kaijitsu discussing her adventures that ended with financing the purchase of this inn. With business booming because of the Swallow Tail Festival Summary, it limits time for chat. Ameiko gives the party two keys and bids them good night. With heavy hearts and pure tiredness, Visuma and Shialu take a room and head upstairs. Tharuzall indicates the Swagger Wagon suits his mood, while everyone but Gorin heads to the final room. Gorin is approached and meets the mysterious Brodert Quink and Veznutt Parooh . They both are inquisitive about Paul’s death, but are genuine in giving thank and some silver for his return to Sandpoint. Gorin fights tiredness and starts to approach the stairs, but a drunk merchant stumbles into him heading out the door. Even with lots of mead, a Gorin noticed the man (Vorvashali Voon) slipped a jade amulet into his pocket.
The next morning as everyone gathers for breakfast Gorin shares his finding of the amulet. Shialu takes the amulet upstairs to identify it and keep prying eyes away. It’s identified as a periapt of health, worn by armed Mantis assassins. Everyone wonders if Gorin was now a target, but there isn’t time for much discussion because the festival is about to start. The party heads to the new cathedral for the Swallowtail Festival Speech Summary and then proceeds to play Swallow Tail Festival Summary all morning and afternoon.

The Closing of the Festival

The party returns for the christening of the cathedral. Father Abstalar Zantus  throws a thunder-stoneto quiet the crowd, only to be interrupted by a scream. There are goblins attacking the crowd and raining destruction on the city residents. The party, minus Pandereos and Ragnor who are drinking back at the inn, rush forth to fight the goblins. Goblin bombers and archers have crested the rooftops and begun attacking attendees of the festival, while goblin warriors cut down people. Luckily, Father Abstalar Zantus and his acolytes are rushing around healing and coordinating an evacuation of the crowd. Not to be outdone, Saban steps forward and heals our battered party during their battle. Tharuzall found a large bloodlust for these vile creatures. Shialu and Sid did their part silencing a bomber with their contribution, while Visuma, minus Kek, managed to Daze quite a few goblins. Gorin steadied the party, and dropped the final foe.

Just as everyone was about to celebrate victory, the following was heard cresting the building tops to the south

  Goblins sneak and goblins hide,
Goblins hunt when dark outside,
Out the forest, through the trees,
Goblins quiet in the leaves,
Goblins sneak and goblins harm,
Goblins find a lonely farm,
Badger stink and poison bone,
Kill the dog away from home,
Goblins sneak and goblins hide,
Goblins know how get inside,
Down the chimney, up the loo,
Goblins know just what to do,
Goblins sneak and goblins spy,
Goblins hear the baby’s cry,
Find the crib and climb beneath,
Draw the blade and lick your teeth,
Goblins sneak and goblins hide
Goblins climb up high inside,
Must be quick with shiny knife,
Never wake-up farmer’s wife,
Goblins sneak and goblins see,
Goblins know now when to flee,
Stuff the baby into sack,
Run from room, don’t look back
Goblins sneak and goblins hide,
Goblins hunt when dark outside,
Deep in forest, out of sight,
Goblins eat baby tonight

Rewards Granted

Character(s) interacted with

Abstalar Zantus, Walda Ambrush, Chelger Fespen, Lovus Vantikin, and Yannah Aurlaveu during the Cathedral Square Battle.

Related Reports

The unnamed heroes were celebrating the Swallow Tail Festival Summary and enjoying the Swallowtail Festival Speech Summary.


Pandereos and Ragnor were off drinking at the White Deer Inn.
Report Date
23 Jun 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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