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His/Her Solemn Authority, the Lord Mayor of Greyhawk

This title is bestowed upon the one voted for mayorship by the Guild Council of Greyhawk. With it comes the responsibility of acting as the figurehead of the Council.


To be a leader of a guild or have considerable political power and wealth.




A new Lord Mayor is appointed when either the old one steps down, dies, or is voted out of office. There is then a guild meeting to propose new candidates. Once all candidates are decided, a vote takes place between guild leaders, the winner of the vote is then raised to mayorship.


The Lord Mayor is responsible for acting as the figurehead of the Council and keeping in good standing with the people of Greyhawk, as well as hearing their pleas and concerns.


The Lord Mayor is tasked with acting as the figurehead of the Guild Council. This means presiding over meetings, breaking ties, and vetoing legislation. The Lord Mayor is also in command of the town guard, but this responsibility is often given to the Commander of the Guard.


The Lord Mayor is given command of the Grand Citadel, an enormous fortress located in the High Quarter. They are also given a monthly salary of 1000 gold pieces.

Accoutrements & Equipment

There is a special leather cap with a feather in it that is passed down from mayor to mayor and it is to be worn on only special occasions. It is not particularly fancy and is more of a symbolic article of clothing.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

At any time, a Guild Leader can motion to remove the Lord Mayor, if it is seconded, a vote begins. If there is a two-thirds majority, they are immediately removed from office, and another is chosen.
Civic, Political
Alternative Naming
The Lord Mayor
Source of Authority
The Guild Council of Greyhawk.
Length of Term
Related Organizations


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