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Domain of Greyhawk

The Domain of Greyhawk is a wide expanse that stretches from the Gnarley Forest to the Cairn Hills. While it is called the Domain of Greyhawk, the Free City of Greyhawk does not exert total control over the area. Instead, many semi-autonomous towns and settlements are allied with the Free city and instead have pledged them military support in times of war.


Silver, electrum, gold, platinum, gems, river and road trade nexus


Greyhawk began as a small settlement on the Selintan River, built near a trading post. A warlord eventually dominated the area, who built a keep on a hill near the village. Eventually, this warlord had become wealthy and powerful enough that the land around the village became known as the Landgraf of Selintan. The warlord wed his son to the daughter of the gynarch of Hardby and a long lasting alliance was forged. The landgrafdom would continue to grow in power until its last landgraf, the Mad Archmage, Zagig Yragerne. Zagig reformed many of Greyhawks laws, and fortified the city. He was the creator of Castle Greyhawk, a marvel of engineering. As time went on, Zagig became more and more reclusive, until he disappeared entirely. Since he had no heir, an oligarchical council proclaimed Greyhawk a free city, which unfortunately sliced all political ties in the region. However, the free city did recover in time, benefiting from treasure troves discovered throughout the area, which increased trade, and brought forth new alliances between towns.

Demography and Population

160,000: Human - 79% Halfling - 9% Gnome - 5% Elf - 3% Dwarf - 2% Half-elf - 1% Half-orc - 1%


The Domain of Greyhawk covers south of Nyr Dyv from the Gnarly Forest to the Cairn Hills.  However, this territory is not fully controlled by Greyhawk, as a few large towns to the south-west remain semi-autonomous and in control of their territory.


Soldiers of the Free City, Hardby Marines, Mountaineer Militia


Zilchus, Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Norebo, Fharlanghn, many others

Foreign Relations

  • Allies: Duchy of Urnst, Furyondy, Nyrond, County of Urnst, Veluna, Verbobonc, Dyvers, Shield Lands
  • Enemies: Pomarj, Iuz, Bright Lands, Scarlet Brotherhood, Various evil cults, Horned Society

Trade & Transport

Trade is largely conducted by sea and rivers


Sewage, Castles, Fortresses, Bridges, Walls
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Gem of the Flanaess
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Plate (pp) Orb (gp) Lucky (ep) Noble (sp) Common (cp)
Legislative Body
Legislative Guild
Judicial Body
Judicial Guild
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Articles under Domain of Greyhawk

Character flag image: by Anna Meyer


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