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Kal’Shari - God of Indulgence, Revelry and Mirth

Kal'Shari is the Elven God of Revelry, contentment, dance, and pleasure. He is relatively unknown in Human lands, but those that do, know him more often as Lathander, or the Prince of Revels. He is a deity of contentment, release, joy, happiness, dance, and freedom. As the patron of festivals, he is honored at any celebration, and dance is one of the primary way to worship him. The Prince of Revels is said to abhor violence, and any fighting or drawing of weapons (except in ceremony) at a celebration will cause him to withhold his favor. For most people, He's a Goddess that everyone can pay homage to during a festival, having a beer, or watching a show; but he also isn't going to stop you from going overboard, and ending in a downward spiral. But the Elves consider Kal'Shari to be part of the "Mirai" gods, those that should be worshiped sparingly, and with caution.   While his domain of revelry seems harmless, the Elves consider the wholesale worship of Kal'Shari to be pernicious; a slow decline into debased moral and societal degradation if not carefully moderated. And they should know, it's happened to them. Myth suggest that Kal'Shari is one of the youngest Gods, once an Arch-Fey, having now ascended to a full God sometime during the Third Epoch and played no small part in the eventual collapse of the Elven kingdoms. Elven lore suggests that his cults eventually rose to prominence causing enormous social upheaval; a contributing factor to the later collapse of the Elven Kingdoms.


In most Elven depictions, Kal'Shari appears as deep purple or red Satyr with a devilish grin, and twisting horns, holding a bowl and a gnarled wooden staff with a string of bells on the top. He is known to most of often take the form of a wandering dog when meeting with mortals, often travelling with merchant caravans or adventurers for days.

Divine Relationships

Kal'Shari is a bit of an outlier from the rest of the Pantheon, and shares a sort of kindred relationship with Mythrax, because both ascended comparatively recently into the pantheon. Kal'Shari also enjoys a amicable relationship with Cegorach, the Trickster God who enjoys a good laugh with his trickery; as well as Avandra - Goddess of Freedom, Travel, and Adventure, who always enjoys partnership and friendship on the long roads.

Champions of Kal'Shari

Alignment: Usually Chaotic, often neutral
Suggested Classes: Bard, cleric
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Trickery
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, Courtier, Entertainer, Folk hero
True Champions of Kal'Shari are few and far between because of her status as a Mirai god. But those few that do exist, are creators, entertainers, and courtiers supreme. Master brewers, musicians, or high nobility who know the true value of laughter and entertainment, and how to use to their advantage.


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