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The Emerald Sentinels

The Emerald Sentinels are the formal military wing of the Conclave of Ghyran, also known as the Church of Ghyran. They form a professional core of warriors who protect sacred sites, temples, and prosecute war against the enemies of life and nature. First among those are the servants of Gorak'Tul - God of Necromancy and Dark Secrets and Bane - Demon Lord of the Abyss, the former who disrupts the natural circle of life, and the latter who corrupts it. Ghyran is joined by Mythrax - God of the Dead, Afterlife and Souls in her perpetual and united hatred for the minions of undeath.

Pushing Back the corruption

But, Ghyran is a very popular deity who sees a large number of fervent followers. A small portion of these followers are selected to join the Emerald Sentinels, true warriors of Ghyran; an honor sought by any warrior who wishes to defend nature. As a result, the Emerald Sentinels are fairly small in comparison to the numerous other warriors and adventurers who pledge themselves to her service.   The most zealous of Emerald Sentinels officers will sometimes lead and organize war-parties into the Deadlands, comprised large of volunteers with a core of professional warriors of the Emerald Sentinels, and often members of the Earthen Circle as well. These collections of warriors, or "crusades" are known and organized under various titles and Banner's, such as: Ghyran's Companions, Crusader's of Ghyran, Lord Bannon's Brigade, Claws of Ursuran, Forest's Vengeance, etc. These formations can sometimes cause problems for the Emerald Sentinels when their more fervent members bleed vengeance into invoking the evil deity Drakira - God of Nature's Wrath. These crusades often proceed into the Blighted Lands with the goals of finding ancient relics, capturing and holding lost sacred sites, or simply reinforcing existing forces.

Holding the Line

Along the eastern slops of The Kybar's Teeth can be found several ragged outposts on the edge of the Blighted Lands that try to act as bulwarks and staging grounds for campaigns launched into the twisted landscape. These sites are protected by the emerald sentinels, and are often the sites of moonwells or glades of magical energy which are being used to attempt to hold the creeping darkness and corruption at bay. The presence of members of the Earthen Circle is a common site, along with members of The Ebon Wardens who seek similar ends. Unlike the Wardens though, the Sentinels, Earthen Circle, and the Crusades seek to actively push back the dark; where the wardens seek simply to stop its advance.


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