Crystal Lear

Crystal Lear is a major character in Pokemon: New Horizons, and one of the traveling companion to Mige Fjord. Crystal is confident, charming, and beautiful, with a spitfire temper and a refusal to back down regardless of the odds. Despite achieving success as a professional model and cheerleader, her true passion is Pokemon training and she is highly driven to accomplish that dream. To that end she is traveling with her friends across Kalos with the hope of competing in the Lumiose Conference.  


Crytsal is a cunning, resourceful, tough, and confident young woman who strives to be taken seriously as a trainer. A model and former cheerleader, Crystal has a made a name for herself in that world and has grown a decently large following on social media. She is driven in the pursuit of her goal of winning a Pokemon League Conference, and is willing to take advantage of opportunities if they can help her achieve that goal. Crystal is often underestimated by those who don’t know her, believing her to be little more than a pretty face. Such fools are in for a rude awakening.

In general, Crystal is a confident and cheerful person who tends toward an optimistic attitude. She is kind, friendly, and helpful, never wanting to turn her back on those who need her help. She enjoys physical activity and exercise, such as dancing, running, and kickboxing. However, she isn’t a busy body; she can enjoy a day of lounging around and sleeping in just as much.

Crystal is affectionate to those she cares about, but not overly so, and has a “one of the guys” sort of attitude when she hangs out with her friends. While normally gracious and polite, Crystal can exhibit a sort of bluntness and can be surprisingly thick when it comes to certain social situations or social cues. She is stubborn and brash at times, and has a short temper when confronted with bullies or when harassed or underestimated. Crystal doesn’t take well to persistent suitors, often chewing them out and giving them a swift kick to the shins.

Crystal has dreamed of winning the Pokemon League since she was a little girl. After a failed attempt at the League when she was 15, Crystal turned her attention toward a modeling career, and while she achieved quite a bit of success and amassed a following, she finds little fulfillment in the work. Modeling pays the bills, but she dislikes the way she feels when she’s on set. Crystal is uncomfortable with that kind of attention and detests the way that people objectify her and reduce her to little more than her body. While she isn’t ashamed of her work, she seems embarrassed when her friends see it and seethes when people try to treat her differently when they find out she’s a minor celebrity. To that end, she doesn’t advertise her occupation to those who don’t already know, and she almost never “dresses up” when she isn’t on set.

Her tastes are simple, which can surprise people. She dresses simply, enjoys being out in nature, spending time with her Pokemon and friends, and eating a good meal. Crystal isn’t a picky eater, and in fact has a rather unladylike habit of scarfing down food when she’s hungry. While she does superficially try to eat well for the sake of her job and overall health, she loves junk food and has a powerful sweet tooth, with a tendency to overindulge in candy and other sweet if she isn’t careful.

While she feels a bit uncomfortable doing so, she’s willing to play the game when she has to. Crystal has found that she’s good with people; she has a natural likability that, when combined with her kindness, her physical attractiveness, and a keen sense of intuition, make her a natural at dealing with people. She can often help the group find good deals or elicit cooperation from people who might not otherwise go out of their way to help them. Crystal isn’t devious or manipulative, of course, but she can use what she has to her advantage if the need arises. She can flip the switch to “turn on” her professional persona quite easily, so to speak, and tends to default to that when she’s in any kind of formal or professional setting.

Crystal is a fairly heavy drinker when the group decides to have a drinking night, and can hold her liquor quite well. However, that fact tends to make her a bit overconfident, and she ends up drinking way too much. Crystal is quite an affectionate drunk, and tends to lack just enough inhibition that she often blurts out whatever’s on her mind and act on her impulses.

This has gotten her into some trouble, such as the multiple instances of her kissing Mige while drunk. Crystal also recently took up smoking again, a habit she’d kicked more than a year before when she stopped modeling to go on her trainer’s journey. She does so out of stress, and while she’s insistent that she’s going to quit again, she’s yet to do so since picking it back up.

Crystal has also displayed a sense of selflessness, often putting herself in danger to protect those around her, especially Mige or Kai. She is fiercely loyal and devoted to her friends, and has taken serious injuries when in defense of them, such as when she took a machete meant for Mige during a fight with Motor-Psycho. This has resulted in Crystal earning a number of scars and lasting injuries; it’s common to see her with band-aids, bandages, black eyes, bruises, or a split lip. She doesn’t seem to mind, even though such things are likely to impact her career in the long term. Her loyalty extends to a stubborn refusal to back down, no matter how bad things get. Crystal will either win or she’ll die trying. Retreat doesn’t seem to be an option for her.

In more recent weeks, Crystal has displayed a somewhat darker side to her. While not common, Crystal can be pushed past her limit and be tempted to lash out physically. What’s more, there seems to be a part of Crystal that enjoys fighting and both taking and dishing out physical violence. Mige sensed this directly thanks to his aura, as Crystal seemed to enjoy the beating she gave Motor-Psycho, which left him in an uncertain condition. While she was a bit unnerved by this feeling, she can’t deny that she felt it.

She’s dealing with more stress lately than she’s used to, working through the stuff with Team Relic and the Organization on top of struggling with accepting her emerging feelings for Mige, as well as feelings of inadequacy in both her personal and professional life. This has pushed her to exercise and smoke more and become isolated from her friends. As of NH019, she is not currently traveling with Mige and the others.  


Crystal is tall and considered to be very beautiful, standing nearly as tall as Mige with a lithe and athletic build. Her figure is narrow, and has a somewhat tan complexion from her mixed heritage. Crystal in excellent shape thanks to a life of endurance training, kickboxing, and regular physical exercise. This also makes her deceptively strong. She has large brown eyes and long, wavy blonde hair that goes down past her shoulder. While often wears her hair down and loose, she pulls it up into a loose ponytail when exercising or battling.

Since being injured by the Excadrill in NH007 - Dealing with the Deputy, Crystal has several scars along her midsection, with the most notable stretching diagonally, from around her navel down to her right hip, and even her back.

When she was younger, before becoming a model, her sensibilities were entirely pragmatic; she dressed sensibly and comfortably with no regard for coordination or what was fashionable. She found such things a waste of time and focused entirely on function over form. Today, while she might model the latest trends in a magazine, her practicality has remained into adulthood. She prefers clothes that are comfortable and loose enough to allow for easy and fluid movement—though with a bit of a fashionable flair and a pop of color. She’s found that it is fun to look nice and wear cute outfits sometimes but isn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty.

Overall, she “dresses for the part” and chooses her outfits and accessories based on the situation. She’s unlikely to spend much time on her makeup if she’s just hanging out with her friends, for example, and when going to a professional function she doesn’t have a problem with hair and makeup, the jewelry, or the cocktail dress and heels. It’s all a part of the game, in the end.  


In Indigo League Victors her main outfit was a white, off the shoulder top and denim shorts with a pair of weathered red sneakers. She was also seen wearing a yellow halter dress with the same red shoes at the Indigo Conference opening ceremonies and the subsequent Team Rocket attack. During the closing ceremonies, she wore a red cardigan over a white shirt, with denim capris.

In Pokemon: New Horizons, her main out fit is a loose red and white short-sleeved boat shirt and denim shorts. Her most common shoes are the worn pair of hiking boots she’s worn since she started training, which have considerable sentimental value to her. She also sometimes wears a Black keyhole top and jeans. During the New Horizons: Wish Upon a Star special, she mostly wore a green track jacket with grey-stripes over a white sleeveless t-shirt and jeans.

Her pajamas tend to just be a t-shirt with loose yellow shorts, sometimes with socks and sometimes without. When she’s exercising and training, her most common outfit is seen to be a white scoop neck tank top and runner’s pants with her red sneakers.

For more formal situations, when she was first seen on the SS Anne Crystal wore a red choker dress with matching high heels. For both of her outings to the club, Crystal wore a short, black, sleeveless bodycon dress and her red sneakers.  


Main Article: Detailed History (Crystal Lear)
Crystal was a tomboy who grew up in Fuchsia City and dreamed of being a great trainer like Koga. She struck out on her own Pokemon journey when she ws 15, but was eliminated early during the Indigo Conference.

After that, she would go on to become a professional fashion model and cheerleader for the Fuchsia City Arboks. Her wanderlust and desire eventually drove her back out onto the road to try again, almost five years after her initial attempt. This one would be much more successful, with Crystal making it all the way to the Top 8 in the Indigo Conference.

She would eventually get an opportunity to do some modeling work in Kalos—and while she was there, she decided that she’d once again participate in the gym circuit. She met up with Mige Fjord, a fellow Indigo Conference competitor and they agreed to travel together. Before long, a food writer from Ransei named Kai joined their motley group. They are traveling across Kalos together, going up against a new crop of gym leaders and finding brand new friends and adventures.  


Main Article: Relationships - Crystal Lear
Crystal is a kind and compassionate person with a big heart and a strong sense of right and wrong. She believes in helping others even if there’s not anything in it for herself, and is quick to volunteer her time and effort to those who need it. She is honest to a fault, despising deceit and secrets. While she understands that everyone has chapters of their lives that they don’t read out loud, it’s another thing entirely to withhold information in a way that hurts people.

After years of failed relationships, several of which were fairly high-profile, Crystal isn’t too concerned with feelings or romance anymore. Such things are always end badly for her and she doesn’t see going through that pain to be worth it. While generally friendly and honest, Crystal doesn’t easily trust others with her heart. She doesn’t deal with feelings well, and is horrified of “making a mistake” that will inevitably end up hurting her.

Despite this, Crystal has fallen hard for Mige. She is struggling with these feelings, and regrettably broke his heart. Crystal intensely regrets this, and was caught between wanting to make it up to him and keeping him at arm's length for awhile. This is compounded by the sheer number of times Mige has found futures where she is dead, further complicating her feelings. But after discovering that a future exists where she and Mige and happy and together, she has become more honest with him. More recently, Crystal has expressed that she loves him. How their relationship may or may not develop from here is unclear, but Crystal seems to have at least made up her mind about one thing: she loves Mige and wants to find a way to help him make a better future--for them and for everybody.

People tend to like Crystal, overall, and she finds it pretty easy to make friends when she tries. She can clash with others, though, given her short temper and stubbornness.  


Crystal is a loyal and caring trainer who puts an immense amount of trust in her Pokemon, who return that trust in kind. She works them hard, but they all grow from the hard work and dedication, and she never pushes a Pokemon cruelly. She nicknames her Pokemon.

She has a strong sensibility as a battler, with quite a bit of experience under her belt. She is an honest fighter and has a fierce dislike of cheaters or those who fight in a way one might deem unsportsmanlike. While her pride means she takes failure a bit harshly (on herself, never on her Pokemon), she ultimately learns from her failures. She has shown to be capable of quick thinking and resourceful tactics, and her skill is such that she is one of the few trainers to have defeated Mige in a battle.

Crystal is very competitive and she gives her all when she battles. She hates the idea of others taking it easy on her, either out of ignorance or even kindness. If she wins a battle, she wants to do to right; she doesn’t just want to win, she wants to prove without a shadow of a doubt in anyone’s mind (including her own) that she earned and deserves it.

She has shown discomfort with caring for eggs or infant Pokemon, pawning off the egg that Cervantes was defending to Kai at the earliest opportunity and her polite refusal to hold the resulting Dedenne once she hatched.    

On Hand


In the PC

Little Greg



Skill & Talents



Having gone through the Kanto Circuit twice and currently going through Kalos, Crystal has a number of achievements under her belt. While not a comprehensive list, the following are either notable accomplishments she made before her introduction and those she achieved during the events of the series

Kanto Badges

During her first attempt, Crystal earned the following badges:
  • Blank Badge
  • Cascade Badge
  • Thunder Badge
  • Rainbow Badge
  • Aero Badge
  • Marsh Badge
  • Boulder Badge
  • Earth Badge
During her second attempt, Crystal earned the following badges:
  • Boulder Badge
  • Arcadia Badge
  • Chivalry Badge
  • Cascade Badge
  • Marsh Badge
  • Thunder Badge
  • Volcano Badge
  • Soul Badge
  • Midnight Badge
  • Aero Badge
  • Rainbow Badge

Kalos Badges

  • Bug Badge (NH011 – All Aboard! The Return to Lumiose City!)

Pokemon League Rankings

  • 2015 Indigo Conference (Top 64)
  • 2020 Indigo Conference (Top 8)

Pokemon Competitions

  • 2020 Founding Day Tournament, representing PokeStar Studios (Semi-Finalist)

Pokemon Related Events

  • Participated in the 2014 Safari Day event in Fuchsia City
  • Participated in the 2019 Amateur Coordinating Open (Top 8)

Non-Pokemon Related Events

  • Participated in the 2014 Cherry Blossom Fashion Extravaganza
  • Sunny Bay Bridge Bike Marathon (6th place)
  • Model for the Saffron Sapphire Modeling Agency (2015—current)
  • Awarded Rising Star of the Year (2017)
  • Cheerleader for the Fuchsia City Arboks (2018-2019)
  • Awarded Outstanding Achievement in Non-Fiction Performance for the chronicle of her 2019-2020 Pokemon journey (2020)

Alternate Versions

Main Article: Alternate Versions   Throughout Pokemon: New Horizons, Mige has had the opportunity to travel to and view different possible futures, which according to Theron are those that are “the most likely” outcome based on current circumstances when Mige travels.   Crystal is important to these futures, though she does not feature directly: instead, her death is a major defining factor of Mige's journey in four out of the five possible future that Mige has seen, though not always in the same way. Either way, Crystal's death was important enough that it was considered an "Inflection Point".   Listed below are the notable timelines for Crystal that Mige has encountered, either in a Special or in an episode of Pokemon: New Horizons.   For consistency, note here that the timeline experienced in the present day within the World of Pokemon universe, as experienced by Mige and all other characters, is referred to as the “Prime Timeline”, the “Prime World”, or “Earth Prime”. As such, current, present-day versions of characters are referred as their prime versions (Crystal-Prime, for example).   Possible futures are numbered in the order Mige visited them, so Timeline-001, Timeline-002, and so on. Character encountered in these timelines are referred with that number, so Crystal-003 would reference the future version of Crystal that Mige encountered in Timeline-003, and so on.  

Timeline-001 - Died a Hero

Main Article: Timeline-001   In this timeline, Crystal died on August 20th, 2020 during Team Relic's attack on the Hotel du Palais in Cyllage City. This Crystal had not reconciled with Mige and the others, and they were not present in the city when the attack occurred. According to her obituary that Mige found during his stint in 2024, Crystal fought bravely against Team Relic and died a hero, having helped many people escape the hotel fire.   This version of events greatly impacted Mige, enraging and motivating him to take the fight to Team Relic. Her death would drive him into the arms of another woman--though it has never been made clear exactly who--and the guilt over not being there to prevent it would eat at Mige for the rest of his life.   This timeline's revelation of Crystal's death is was spurred on the entire "Cyllage City Arc" (NH019-NH022).  

Timeline-002 - Still Died a Hero

Main Article: Timeline-002   Like Timeline-001, Crystal died a hero in the hotel fire. In fact, her death occurred the exact same way. The main thing that changed was Mige's reaction to it--he cut off all contact with his friends and walked down a much darker path, becoming a brutal vigilante.  

Timeline-003 - Crystal Fjord

Main Article: Timeline-003   The first, and so far the only, timeline where Crystal is alive. Mige came to this timeline at some point in 2032, and discovered that he and Crystal are married. Crystal-003 is much like her present day counterpart; she is cheerful and kind, but is more relaxed, confident, and secure. Crystal-003 is a deeply devoted wife, said to spoil Mige at times, and a doting mother. She is the adoptive mother of Clem-003, and the biological mother of twins Leon Fjord and Casey Fjord, and also of Lydia Fjord. They live in a loft apartment with a lot of windows.   She apparently became friends with Aliana at one point, though she is likely dead by 2032, and is apparently close with most of Mige's surviving friends. She and Mige both work, though she is coy about what they do; she implies that one of them is still a trainer in some professional capacity but did not elaborate.   Crystal-003 and Mige-003 were extremely close throughout Mige's journey, though she seemed to imply that she was NOT Mige's first girlfriend. This seemed to have been an accident, though; she immediately moved on to a different subject after bringing it up without any clarifications.   In NH026, Mige's son from Timeline-008 tells Mige the names of several of Mige's other daughters who has possessed Alice since his previous visit. Among the names was Lydia--the name of Mige and Crystal's youngest daughter in this timeline. While it isn't confirmed, many speculate that the Lydia-003 (or perhaps a Lydia from a similar but distinct timeline) will eventually be revealed as being a Traveler like her father.  

Timeline-004 - Dead Again

Main Article: Timeline-004   Mige awoke to Timeline-004 in 2039, and would discover that Crystal had once again died. In this timeline, it is unclear exactly when or how Crystal died, except that she did not make it to the Lumiose Conference, meaning she must have died at some point in either late 2020 or early 2021. Alexa-004 indicates that she may have sacrificed herself, as she said that Crystal "died for something she believed in".   Her death once more played an important role in spurring Mige on, but it seems that it drove him to focus almost entirely on stopping Team Relic. Alexa-004 said that Mige became almost obsessed with finding the remaining tablets for awhile. Alexa-004 also implies that Mige-004 and Crystal-004 may have been in a relationship before her death, but that Mige-004 had since found closure and moved on, which Alexa-004 (rightly) believes Crystal would have wanted.  

Timeline-005 - Lost Love

Main Article: Timeline-005   This timeline is extremely similar to Timeline-001 in many ways, but with some major differences. Like Timeline-001, Crystal is dead. However, unlike that time, Crystal did not die in the hotel fire but instead was "murdered", likely by Vincent-005, who is implied to have killed many of Mige's friends in this timeline, including (most likely) Bill-005 and Jenn-005.   In this timeline it is very strongly implied, and all but directly confirmed, that Mige-005 and Crystal-005 were in a relationship up until her death. In Timeline-005, that Crystal's death absolutely devastated Mige-005, who was unable to move on at all.  

Timeline-006 - Murdered

Main Article: Timeline-006   In this timeline, Crystal-006 is said to have been killed relatively early; she is dead by the time Tim-006 came to Kalos and joined Mige's group. According to Tim, Celosia-006 is the one responsible for killing Crystal-006 after she "went darkside", also killing Lara in the process. This Crystal is evidently killed very suddenly and abruptly, and as always it is an incident that Mige blames himself for being unable to stop. Crystal-006's death, along with Lara-006, apparently push Mige to become more paranoid and protective of everyone else, culminating in Mige simply breaking and giving up after Jenn-006's death.  

Timeline-007 - Lost in the Chaos

Main Article: Timeline-007   In this timeline, Crystal is simply listed as among the dead. Lara-007, Mige's wife in this timeline, did not provide details as to how Crystal died only that she "didn't make it long after Couriway Town" and that she "died a hero". Crystal-007's death hits Mige hard, and it drove him closer to Lara. He used it as motivation to stop Team Relic--which, in this timeline, Mige and his friends seemed to have managed to do better than any other timeline so far.  

Timeline-008 - Twinned Fate

Main Article: Timeline-008   Timeline-008 seems to be the exact same as Timeline-007, with a few minor changes (such Naoko's name being changed to Yuki, and the exact details of Alice traveling and Mia possessing her to be slightly different). Crystal's fate in this timeline, unfortunately, seems to be the same as Timeline-007.  


Main Article: Complete List of Appearances (Crystal Lear)
Crystal has appeared in 11 episodes of Indigo League Victors, in 19 episodes of Pokemon: New Horizons, and all six chapters of the New Horizons: Wish Upon a Star special.


  • Crystal has earned her black belt in kick boxing, specifically in the Kantonian style, having studied the sport since she was 12. She is also proficient in the traditional boxing style but doesn’t enjoy it as much.
  • Crystal can play the guitar, having learned from Big Greg.
  • Crystal’s favorite music is the classic rock that she and Big Greg used to listen to, but she has also gained an appreciation for high energy dance music and hip-hop.
  • Growing up in and around her parents’ restaurant, Crystal is a good cook and understands how waiting tables and running a restaurant work. She specializes in Alolan and Paldean style food, especially the sweets and baked goods.
  • Crystal loves sweets and sweet food, but dislikes pudding, milkshakes, and smoothies.
  • Crystal suffers from both a fear of flying and sea sickness.
  • Crystal is the first main character confirmed to be of Paldean heritage.
  • While she’d like to be a gym leader one day, she’s unsure what type she’d specialize it. When asked, she replied electric types due to her first two starter Pokemon being of the electric type.
  • Crystal is an excellent dancer, having taken lessons since she was a child.
  • Crystal is fluent in Gallish, as well as Paldean and Alolan due to her mother and adoptive father’s heritage. She is well versed in those country’s customs and traditions, as well as those of Kanto.
  • Crystal shares a number of Pokemon evolutionary lines with Jenn: Butterfree, Bellossom (Jen has Vileplume), Ninetails (Jenn has Vulpix), and Raichu (Jenn has a Pikachu). She also shares evolutionary lines with Alexa (Heliolisk), Garnet (Banette), Mabel (Litleo and Granbull), Ryan (Butterfree, Heracorss, and Parasect), Tabitha (Raichu), Tessa (Granbull), Will Tahjiri (Bellossom), and Zoey (Cloister).
  • As of NH019, Crystal is not known to have any Pokemon of the Dark, Ground, Rock, or Steel types.
  • Crystal is the first character that Mige has shown confirmed, overt romantic feelings toward.
  • Crystal is Mige's 7th traveling companion, or his 10th if Djorn Tony, Lara Miyamoto-Pierce, and Trevor Pearl are counted
  • Thanks to Indigo League Victors, of the major characters introduced in Pokemon: Indigo Chronicles, Crystal has never met Ace Burnett, Ami Littleton, Conner McKenzie, Djorn Tony, Duplika Imite, or Trevor Pearl.
  • Crystal is based on the Beauty trainer class from the Pokemon video games, most explicitly the Beauty featured in Pokemon X&Y. Her party outside is a reference to the Beauty sprite from the generation 1 games.
Full Name: Crystal Ophelia Lear
Nicknames: Crissy (Elesa)
Birthday: December 20, 1998 (aged 21)
Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5’10"
Relatives: Carlita Lear (mother)
Greg Lear (adoptive father)
Kurt Lear (paternal grandfather)
Luanne Lear (paternal grandmother)
Ferdinand Castillo (maternal grandfather, deceased)
Yolanda Castillo (maternal grandmother)
Unknown biological father
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer
Fashion Model
Professional Cheerleader (formerly)
First Appearance: Destiny Calls My Name
Status: Alive