Felicity Brannon

Felicity Brannon is a character in Pokemon: Seasons. She is the girlfriend of Aerik Hargraves, daughter of city councilman Raino Brannon and part of the Accumula Team.   Like most of the others in the group, she was going to be a third year at Ridgepoint Academy before finding herself in the middle of events that seem to threaten the people she cares about. Stubborn and unwilling to back down, Felicity was gifted Petilil, her first Pokemon by Aerik.   While she has spent most of her life trying to please her family, she has longed for the freedom to finally breathe for so long she can't remember ever not feeling suffocated. After finding her own strength while on adventures with Aerik, Felicity has decided to leave Accumula Town for good and pursue her own dreams.    


Felicity is a bitch.   That's probably what most people think about her. While quite popular at Ridgepoint Academy thanks to her family's status and her role on the cheerleading team, she has a reputation as something of a "mean girl" and she does little to quell such notions. Felicity has a short temper, is argumentative, loud, brash, and can be snarky, sarcastic, and biting. She isn't a bully, per se, and she doesn't go out of her way to be mean to others--but she's still kind of difficult to get along with sometimes.   Of course, there's more to her than that and she wasn't always this way. Felicity is the daughter of one of Accumula Town's most influential councilmen, and the little sister of an over-achieving, perfect prom queen. While she was feisty, playful, and curious as a child her family did their best to douse that inner fire to help her become a "proper lady". To that end, Felicity was taught etiquette, traditional dance and song, and many of the foundations for "polite society". There was immense pressure on her from a young age to be perfect; to always say the right thing, to behave herself, to not embarrass the family in front of the neighbors. No matter what Felicity did and no matter how hard she worked, it was never enough.   Today, Felicity is a hurt and stubborn person. Expressing herself in a healthy way just isn't a skill that she has; she tends to freeze up or stammer or get frustrated because she can't articulate the things that she's feeling. Felicity bottles up her emotions by default, and tends to express herself mostly through anger and lashing out. She is immensely lonely, with the Accumula Team being the first real friends she's really ever had, and while she doesn't really know how to show her affection for them, she is extremely protective of them.   Despite how lonely she is and how much her group of friends means to her, Felicity is extremely guarded and is still fairly mean to them. Much of this comes from a desire to protect herself from being hurt or betrayed by them; she has a poor self-esteem due to her treatment by her parents, and seems to keep others at a distance as a self-defense measure. She is often rude, mean, and abrasive to her friends and puts on a show about how much they "annoy her" and that she doesn't need them. But she never left the group text and she came to all of their get-togethers. Even if she pretended otherwise, she felt accepted by them.   Despite the way she presents herself, Felicity is an extremely loyal person. She is protective of her friends to the point of picking fights with strangers and being ready to throw hands with people three times her size. She's tenacious and brave, willing to brave extremely strange and terrifying things for the people she loves. For Aerik alone, she left home, went to the Dream World more than once, traveled across the wilderness, sat up with him all night after the Sableye attack in Wellspring Cave, kicked a guy who was making fun of him, hiked up an active volcano, and much more. No matter what, despite being given multiple opportunities to leave, Felicity is bull-headed and stubborn in her loyalty.   She has shown a softer side, as well, though not often. Felicity cleans up all of the dishes and empty beer containers when everyone else passes out at parties, buys her friends things that they mention wanting, buying everyone coffee and pays for Dryvr fare, and other, small gestures that don't seem like much but they come from a good place. In many ways, it's the only way she feels comfortable expressing those feelings.   Felicity has shown a disdain for her reputation as "the mean one" in the group, but that's not all that she is. She has shown a vulnerable side from time to time, usually with Aerik, where she goes out of her way to try to listen and offer advice, or sheepishly offer a compliment or thanks.   Felicity is incredibly fit, physically speaking; she ran track through middle and secondary school, was on the swim team, was in gymnastics and dance classes, and made the cheerleading team. This has resulted in Felicity being the most athletic in the group, second maybe to Aerik. She is reputed to be the strongest member of the group, physically speaking, though she's a bit self-conscious about that fact sometimes. She also has a number of other skills that some, including Aerik, found surprising, such as sewing.


Felicity has long blonde hair and reddish brown eyes, and is notably the only one in her immediate family to not have green eyes. Thanks to years on track, swim, and gymnastics, Felicity has quite an athletic build and is surprisingly strong.   While in Accumula Town and in school, she kept her hair in a low ponytail or low pigtails. Since traveling, however, she has started to wear her hair down more. Felicity enjoys clothing that she deems fashionable, but also appreciates clothing that has function. She views these two aspects with equal importance. Felicity most commonly wears white, black and red, with red being her favorite color.   In Pokemon: Seasons, Felicity wears a white 3/4 sleeved white shirt with black and red accents around the collar. She wears blue jeans, trekking tights or denim shorts depending on the weather. She wears light brown hiking boots with white top lining. Felicity has a Outdoorsman brand hiking backpack that the group deemed she should carry due to being the strongest of the group.


Main Article: Detailed History (Felicity Brannon)  


Felicity is the younger of two girls to wealthy city councilman Raino Brannon. She grew up in a big house on a big hill, and she wanted for little. There was no question that the Brannon girls were spoiled, but Hana took to it easier than Felicity did.   Young Felicity was bright, energetic, curious, affectionate, and feisty. She loved to explore, and climb, and wanted to learn everything there was to learn about everything. Questions constantly poured out of her, and she rarely had the attention span to sit still--especially on sunny days!   Of course, with wealth and privilege comes responsibility. Her parents were sure to put out her inner fire quickly; they enrolled her in endless classes and extracurricular activities. She was taught etiquette and dance and how to fit in to "polite society". Like her sister, Felicity was expected to be a perfect little princess and to make her family proud. Or rather, she was warned to never, ever embarrass them.   The pressure to be perfect in every way shaped her entire life. She worked hard to meet her parent's lofty expectations, only to fall short every time. To make matters worse, Hana was always one step ahead of her.
"Only an B? Hana got an A+ in History, you know."
"Hana was captain of Cheerleading her second year..."
"Why didn't you get accepted into the art program? Your sister understands that artsy crap; why don't you?"
"Why can't you understand this business like your sister? You know, at your age, Hana was at the top of her class."
"Why can't you be like Hana?"
It drove her nuts. She grew to resent her family, despite being desperate for their approval. Everything she did, everywhere she went, even the people she was friends with and the boys she dated, were approved by here overbearing family.   That is, until Zyran.   She didn't like Zyran at first. They met because cheerleading and football practiced on the field at the same time, and she got to see many of his antics up close. She thought he was full of himself and annoying at first, especially because he hung out with those "Accumula Team" kids. But she slowly got to see a different side of him and, after several months, he finally asked her out at the Midsummer Festival in 2018.   She quickly became very attached to Zyran and worked extremely hard to be the perfect girlfriend to him--which included meeting and playing nice with his friends. GOD she hated them all at first, but Zyran was always with them. So if she was going to spend time with Zyran, she had to spend time with them. She especially disliked Aerik Hargraves, who she would argue with seemingly every time they got together. Zyran always insisted that Aerik was a great guy, and with time she found that she didn't quite him so much. She actually grew to kind of enjoy arguing with Aerik after a while, though she'd NEVER admit it.   One day, Felicity found herself replying to an innocuous text from Wynn with a "lol" and realized that she had grown to like Zyran's friends to the point that they had become her friends, too--Darcie even invited Felicity to hang out with her without Zyran, and people weren't surprised if Felicity showed up to something even if Zyran was busy.   Felicity finally started to feel a sense of belonging, and she even felt happy for once. Things were kind of great...until they weren't anymore. Out of the blue, Zyran announced he was leaving for Kanto to enroll in Trainer school. Felicity exploded at him, betrayed and hurt and terrified, and she said a number of extremely cruel and unfair things. Not surprisingly, they broke up.   Felicity expected to be kicked out of the friend group as a whole, but she wasn't. She still showed up to parties and she was still in the chat. She even contributed to the group's playlist. While she never felt like the others really "accepted" her as one of them, she was grateful not to be completely outcast from them, especially with how difficult it was getting over Zyran and how abandoned she'd felt by him.   Things changed after Winter Break 2019. Zyran had come to visit. Everyone was excited to see him, though Felicity only spoke to him once, briefly, out of both resentment and guilt over how she'd ended things. Not long after he left, though, Aerik announced he'd be leaving for his own Trainer's Journey instead of finishing school.   Felicity snapped at him, too, much like she had to Zyran (though nowhere near as cruel). She was furious that he would leave just like Zyran, and anytime she thought about it or anybody brought it up, she would feel so angry that she wanted to cry. Despite that, Darcie eventually got everyone together to try to get them to be more supportive for Aerik's sake.   For her part, Felicity was still furious with him. But she took a lot of time to knit him a red scarf. She bought really good, expensive wool and she went through several that she rejected before she made one she felt was good enough. It was red, too; her favorite color. A small part of her hoped that he would think of her when he wore it.  


She attended his going away party in late May of 2020, where she gave him the scarf she'd worked so hard on. She spent the next day being pissed at Aerik for leaving and sulking in her room, and then hating herself for not going with the others to the bus stop to say good bye.   When Aerik returned to Accumula Town about a week later, as a pit stop along his journey, Felicity cancelled a bunch of plans and skipped out on a charity even her parents wanted her to attend to go to a party to see him. She saw the girl he'd come with--how pretty and smart and nice she was, and how much Aerik obviously liked her. She got drunk and sulky.   That night, Aerik gave her a unique Petilil that he'd caught. The gift was touching, and Felicity had to fight not to start bawling in front of him. She just thanked him for it.   When Aerik went missing the next day, that would start a chain of events that would bring Felicity and the rest of the Accumula Team out of their hometown in order to help Aerik against an otherworldly threat.


Main Article: Relationships (Felicity Brannon)
Felicity is not an outwardly kind person. Quite the obvious, actually. With total strangers or in school or high society funcitons, Felicity is polite, soft-spoken, even charming. This is largely an act, one she dons for her parents' sake.   In reality, Felicity is brash, loud, abrasive, and rude. She is snarky, sarcastic, and foul-mouthed, and quick to say something if someone is being stupid or if something doesn't make sense to her. She can be confrontational and short-tempered, even with her friends. Felicity has been known to be extremely confrontation and argumentative--especially with Aerik.   She has trouble expressing her real feelings toward others, and often lashes out and hurts others to keep them away. She is guarded and lonely. With those she cares about, she can be clingy, overbearing, and almost possessive out of fear of losing them.   She CAN be nice, though. While she still has an air of impatient and grumpy, Felicity has been known to offer a quiet and sheepish compliment, or mumble something sincere, or even be playful in her own way.


Felicity loves Pokemon, like most people do, but was always a bit nervous around them. She loved watching the Grand Festivals in Sinnoh or the Kalos Queen Competition. She wanted to be like them--pretty, free, and loved.   As a trainer, she's still learning. While she can sometimes be shown to be "getting the hang of it", her low confidence sometimes gets in the way. Despite this, she has shown competency in the basics and has even won a few battles. Most notable was the curb-stomping she gave to Colton during the tournament to see who got to go with Aerik to Reversal Mountain.  






  • Survived a fucking volcanic eruption
  • Competed, and successfully placed, in the Unova Idol Showcase qualifying round (Top 8)


Main Article: Complete List of Appearances (Felicity Brannon)


  • Felicity's favorite color is red.
  • Felicity prefers her coffee black.
  • Her favorite movie is a sappy drama called Flowers for Gengar.
  • She hates the taste of vanilla and banana.
  • Suffers from claustrophobia.
  • Felicity's favorite genre of music is dream pop, indie and pop.
Full Name: Felicity Brannon
Birthday: November 23rd, 2001 (18)
Hometown: Accumula Town
Eye Color: Red-Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'6"
Relatives: Raivo Brannon (father)
Hanna Brannon (sister)
unnamed mother
Blood Type: B-
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: The Start of Something Big
Status: Alive