Jenn Greene

Jenn Greene is a kind-hearted girl and amateur Pokemon researcher with a desire to find her purpose. Jenn is brave, capable, and intelligent, but also plagued with crippling self-doubt that keeps her from achieving her real potential.   She is not new to the life of a wandering trainer, having traveled with Mige Fjord through most of his adventures across Kanto throughout the events of Pokemon: The Indigo Chronicles.   In Pokemon: Seasons, Jenn has traveled to Unova to work as a field assistant for Professor Juniper, placing Jenn in the strange new position of teacher and mentor to a group of rookie trainers. After her abduction and torture at the hands of the Horizon Institute, Jenn bid farewell to her friends in Unova and traveled to Kalos, where she rejoined Mige in Pokemon: New Horizons.   She would eventually be contacted by Bill Fjord and Louis Rosenfield about joining the Atmosphere Initiative as the leader of the organization’s Field Team. Feeling her efforts would be better suited to that task, Jenn accepted the role. She currently serves in that capacity, alongside Beat Voronen, Diego Coen, Stephanie Barber, Kameyo Smith, and others.   Jenn is an ex-girlfriend of Aerik Hargraves.  


Jenn is a kind-hearted and compassionate person. Often reserved and sensible, Jenn has a tendency to be quiet, unless she’s pointing out the strangeness of the antics and shenanigans of the people around her; she tends to be the ‘straight-man’ in any friend groups. While she often has an anxious or awkward sort of energy about her, or a ‘Jennergy’ if you will, Jenn has also shown herself to be brave, opinionated, determined, willful, and deeply loyal to the people she cares about.   Among her friends, Jenn has a reputation as a 'den mother'; she looks after her friends, makes sure they eat and sleep, dress warm, and take care of themselves, even tidying up after them to give herself something to do. This doting can something be seen as nagging or overbearing--as was the case with Tim, especially at first--but it comes from a place of love and concern for her friends' well-being.   Jenn finds strength in her convictions, and often acts as an advocate; she might not always stick up for herself, but she’s quick to stand up for not just her friends, but anybody who is being bullied or treated unfairly. While she dislikes bullies of any kind, she has a special hatred for poachers.   Her biggest enemy is found inward. Through her entire life, Jenn has constantly struggled with severe anxiety and depression, in addition to abandonment issues, loneliness, and repressed anger issues, all of which has resulted in Jenn’s self-esteem being almost nonexistent. She sees herself as a burden to others, and honestly feels like she’s not someone who deserves to be cared for. Much of this originated in her childhood home, which was volatile and abusive. Her father abandoned their family when she was young, leaving Jenn and her brother at the whims of her cruel mother. Jenn was forced into becoming a “perfect coordinator”—her mother’s way of living vicariously through her—and was severely punished when she failed to live up to impossible expectations or when she spoke out.   Unfortunately, Jenn also has a habit of self-isolating and over-compensating; when she feels particularly low, she will either cut everyone off, or she will become overly doting or enthusiastic in an effort to hide her feelings. Aerik seemed to have a talent for bringing her out of these moods, but that period was brief. Now, Jenn has started to throw herself entirely into her work.   Jenn is surprisingly insightful, and is often able to help others or offer advice—or else simply sit with them and listen if needed. She is compassionate and empathetic, instinctively giving others the benefit of the doubt, though she isn’t afraid to call others out on their bullshit. She is also extremely selfless, and has been shown to go to extreme lengths to help those in need. The most notable example of this was when Jenn sacrificed herself to save Celosia’s life, despite their mutual animosity, when Cecil attempted to kill Celosia with a killing spell.   She is very intelligent, having picked up on the foundations of Pokemon Research in a surprisingly short time, and she seems to have a pretty good head for numbers and science when she applies herself. Jenn has shown to have a very good memory, and she pays attention to details. She’s good at riddles and puzzles, and has been shown to have trouble letting go of a mystery once she picks it up.   Recent events have gotten Jenn to think about the future—having a friend who can time travel will do that. Since Mige began to regularly visit the future with his Travelling ability, Jenn has grappled with the existential dread associated with it. It is disheartening to hear that she dies more often than not, and she struggles with the idea that she is expendable, or somehow “fated” to die. After everything she’d gone through, maybe it made sense that she’d have to sacrifice herself to make things better for the people she loves. While she had somewhat accepted this inevitability, Jenn has made the decision to do everything she can to survive, so she can fulfill the promise that she made to Beat.   Whatever her own fate, Jenn is determined to make the future a better one than those visited by Mige, and to that end is dead-set on making the Atmosphere Initiative work and find a way to stop Hermit and the Horizon Institute.  

Character Arc

During her travels through Kanto in Pokemon: Indigo Chronicles, Jenn was a consistent supporting presence for her friends. She was typically quiet and very rarely made her opinions or desires known; she followed the whims of her friends and did her best to help when and how she could. Jenn’s constant anxiety and crushing lack of confidence often held her back and made her second-guess the decisions she made, and while she had her moments of triumph, they were somewhat few and far between. As time went on, she became more withdrawn and depressed as she struggled with her burdens in silence.   In Pokemon: Seasons, Jenn left to find herself and took a position as Professor Juniper’s aide in Unova. Here, she finally began to grow into herself a bit. Forced from a supportive role and into an active, leadership role, Jenn found herself acting as a teach of sorts for Aerik and the other starters, and eventually to the rest of Accumula Team. Aerik and the others often looked to Jenn as the voice of experience, and her opinion held a great deal of weight with them. While Jenn still doesn’t exactly see herself as “experienced” or “talented”, this position of mentorship forced her to reflect back on her rather absurd adventures and at least recognize that she had accomplished a lot. She found that new position in her life to be strange and stressful, but also surprisingly fulfilling.   While Jenn would have never considered herself much of a teacher (and is relatively certain none of her friends in Kanto ever did, either), Jenn actually showed herself to be a pretty great teacher: she is patient, good at clearly explaining and demonstrating knowledge, encourages others to grow and learn at their own pace, and even helped them develop their own styles of Pokemon training.   Through her time in Kalos during the first season of Pokemon: New Horizons, Jenn reverted somewhat; she once more found herself quiet and in the background. Despite her desire to help with the fight against the Institute, she often found herself relegated to acting as little more than “Kia’s babysitter”. That’s not to say she didn’t help at all; she played a fairly big role during the events of Wish Upon a Star, including serving as a decoy for Vicious and helping to herd people to safety while the city collapsed from Shadow Jirachi’s attack, she protected Kia from Wraith in Gloire City, went into Terminus Cave with Mige and Arthur, and actively partook and theorized during group discussions.   Despite this, Jenn seemed to become increasingly frustrated and distanced from Mige and the others, with much of this frustration stemming from Mige’s time travelling and her difficulty coming to grips with certain realities—especially the fact that she sees herself as almost fated to die. Eventually, she took a proactive step toward altering the future for the people she cares about when she accepted Bill’s offer to join the crew of the Atmosphere, as the leader of the Field Team. Once more in a position of leadership, Jenn has once more started to settle in to someone more confident and capable, asserting her experience and facing unimaginable danger head-on. While she is “the boss” among the Field Team, she’s still Jenn; she has a tendency to ramble, has a dorky sense of humor, can be a little overbearing, and wrestles with internally questioning herself.   When she needs to be, though, Jenn is decisive, daring, and selfless, taking action and putting herself in harms’ way to keep others’ safe and stop the bad guys.


Across all appearances, Jenn has displayed a dislike for Coordinating and Pokemon Contests. During her time in Kanto and even through much of Unova, Jenn would respond with discomfort and irritation at the concept of Coordination was merely mentioned; a trauma response from her years of abuse. She has shown growth in this area, however; in Pokemon: Seasons, she volunteered to be Felicity’s coach when the latter voiced a desire to become a Coordinator. Jenn extensively practiced with Felicity for days, even joining her backstage during Felicity’s preliminary performance. Jenn continues to offer Felicity advice, for costuming, music, and more. Jenn partially helped Felicity come up with Felicity’s breakout performance during her first official Showcase.   Jenn also competed in a Showcase herself during New Horizons, when she and the others signed up for an amateur Showcase in Couriway Town, which served as the tie-breaker to decide who would go with Mige into Terminus Cave. Jenn won that showcase, showing a graceful and artistic side of her that is rarely seen elsewhere.  


  Jenn is a kind and empathetic person, struggling to deal with her past and haunted by the shadows of a future that doesn’t seem to have a place in it for her. Despite her many faults, Jenn tries to face every day and is determined to leave the world a better place than it was when she found it. She has become a much stronger, more confident, and more capable person than she ever thought possible and has quickly become an important and respected voice among the many groups.  


Jenn average height and weight for a girl her age, standing just over 5'05" with a lean physique. She has a slim build and long legs. Jenn has thick, shoulder-length brown hair and dark hazel eyes that lean more brown than green. She has a fair complexion and sunburns easily without taking precautions. Jenn is in excellent shape, and is generally seen as pretty in a “girl next door” sort of way. Jenn is self-conscious about her shoulders, which she thinks are broad.   There is a long scar along the outside of her left arm, from her wrist down halfway to her elbow, an injury she received when Sonny and the Galactic Cult attempted to use her as a blood sacrifice to open the Doors of Eternity. She used to be quite self-conscious of this scar, but with time she's more or less accepted it. It's a reminder to her now to never allow herself to become a victim like that again.  


Jenn is fairly fashionable, with a good sense of color and style. As someone who dislikes drawing attention to herself, she dresses modestly and favors sweaters and hoodies that are a size or two too large for her, and favors cool colors, often in bright shades, and floral patterns.   Jenn doesn't wear much jewelry; she wears simple earrings and necklaces, preferring simple and understated over shiny and ostentatious. However, her two most treasured pieces are both handmade. The first are pink and black beads on a leather cord, which matches an identical one that Zoey wears. The two made them after the events of the Godfall special. But the most special jewelry that she has is the star piece pendant that Aerik made for her as a Midsummer gift. Knowing what it meant for him to give it to her, and knowing how hard he worked on it for her, makes it one of the most special things that Jenn owns. She treasures it, and wears it every day.   Jenn has a fondness for hats, but since she doesn’t think they look good on her, she doesn't often wear them. Her most-seen hat is a pink and white baseball cap that she has carried since she first left Pallet Town. During the winter, she sometimes wore a purple beanie with a little puffball at the top.   Her most special hat is the White Conductor's Hat she won in a double battle with Mige against the Subway Bosses (who were in Kanto on vacation). Mige owns her hat’s pair; a matching black conductor’s hat.  

Pokemon: Indigo Chronicles

In her early appearances during the Indigo Chronicles era, Jenn’s most common casual outfit was a dark cardigan worn over a white t-shirt, with a pleated skirt. Later, starting with her appearance at Bill’s Cottage, Jenn’s most common outfit became her plain green hoodie, worn over a sleeveless pink shirt, with denim shorts and her trusty hiking boots. During the autumn, she started wearing jeans instead of the shorts or a skirt, and with the onset of winter, she started wearing a black peacoat over her green hoodie.   After the events of Pokemon: Godfall, Jenn’s green hoodie was ruined and damaged beyond her ability to sew, resulting in her getting a new pink hoodie that was otherwise almost identical to the green one, and would be the new hoodie she wore with her outfits for the remainder of the series, as well as Pokemon League Victors.   When it would rain, Jenn had a plain blue rain slick that she was seen with many times throughout the early and later parts of the series. At bedtime, she wore pajamas that consist of a knee-length, floral t-shirt with an Arcanine, and either comfortable shorts or full length pajamas pants that have little Staryu on them, depending on the weather. If it's REAL cold, she also sleeps with her hoodie.   In more tropical environments, such as Fuchsia City or Cinnabar Island, she tended to dress down a little. Most commonly she wore her sleeveless pink t-shirt and denim shorts over a blue bikini, with her green hoodie sometimes tied around her waist.   Unlike most of the other characters in Indigo Chronicles, Jenn did not have a “party outfit”, given that she never went to clubs with the others. The one party she attended was the one in Mige and Tim’s room aboard the SS Anne, where she wore a cute, belted floral sundress. That would generally be what Jenn wore whenever she felt she should look “nice”.   Some other notable outfits include the red Alolan shirt and shorts she wore during most of the group’s time on the SS Anne, the Chimchar costume she made for the Pokemon Fan Club contest, and her big Christmas sweater, with a Magikarp wearing a Santa hat, that she wore throughout most of the Christmas arc.  

Pokemon: Seasons

In Seasons, Jenn’s style hadn’t changed much, still preferring to wear big, comfy sweaters and hoodies. Her main outfit was her pink hoodie over a white, sleeveless shirt and denim shorts, once more with her trusty hiking boots. She occasionally wore a white and pink Pokemon League hat, with her hair tied back. Her other common outfit was a purple and red sweater (often with the sleeves rolled up), worn with a pleated skirt.   After Jenn was kidnapped by Hermit, she somehow lost her pink hoodie and did not have it with her when she was rescued, and it has not been seen since. Since then, she started to wear the blue Trainer’s Jacket that Aerik had bought for her.   For inclement weather, Jenn still primarily wore a raincoat. However, sometime between leaving Kanto and arriving in Unova, Jenn got a new one, which was lavender with little Duckletts patterned on it. She thinks it’s very cute, and she’s absolutely right.   During the first part of the series, Jenn’s swimsuit was the same as the one she had in Kanto, until the incident in Wellspring Cave with the Sableye, after which point she wore a teal patterned bikini when at the pool.   At parties or when trying to look nice, Jenn wore the same floral, belted sundress that she wore in Kanto. Her pajamas were a faded yellow and white striped shirt with a Pikachu on it and her Staryu pants.  

Pokemon: New Horizons

Jenn’s outfits in New Horizons were largely the same as those in Seasons, except that her main outfit consists of her blue Trainer’s Jacket, worn over a white, sleeveless shirt, worn with dark-colored jeans and her hiking boots. Jenn’s only other main outfit was a blue sweater along with a pleated skirt.   When she wanted to dress up a little, Jenn had a yellow and white tea dress.   During Wish Upon a Star, when the group were all buying new clothes in Johto, Jenn bought a light jacket, which was yellow and had a black hood (and a lot of pockets). She’d wear this jacket throughout the special, switching back to her normal blue Trainer’s Jacket when she returned to Kalos. It’s unknown whether she still has this jacket or not, but she presumably does.   Otherwise, Jenn’s outfits were the same as those she had in Pokemon: Seasons.  

Pokemon: Globe Initiative

Like New Horizons, Jenn’s outfits haven’t changed much since New Horizons. She has some more “business-casual” style clothes she wears when at the globe, consisting of a burgundy, button-up shirt (sleeves rolled up, of course) with a black, knee-length skirt. While this isn’t necessarily strictly required, she still wants to have an air of professionalism—and if anybody sees her there, it wouldn’t hurt to look like she belonged in an office.   In the field, she currently just wears her normal, casual outfit, consisting of her blue Trainer’s Jacket over a white t-shirt and dark jeans, with her weathered hiking boots. She has her normal trainer’s belt and backpack, but also now carried a satchel for extra gear, supplies, and so on.  


Main Article: Relationships(Jenn Greene)
Jenn doesn't have many close friends, but she cares deeply for the ones that she has; even if her struggles with anxiety can cause her to isolate and make it difficult to maintain these relationships, they are extremely special to her. While she has trouble telling people what they mean to her, she expresses her affection through small acts of service—such as brewing tea, tidying up, making sure they eat and sleep, ensuring they have jackets or umbrella in case it rains, and so on.   Jenn gets nervous around new people; she tends be quiet, shy, and a bit awkward with strangers. To be honest, she’s even this way around people she’s known for a long time! Most of the time she’s happy to just quietly sit and listen, and watch others have fun. There are a rare few who have gotten to see a different side of her—one that is silly, dryly sarcastic, surprisingly impulsive, spunky, extremely giggly, and extremely playful. Only Mige, Zoey, Tim, Benjamin de Wolfe, Aerik, and Beat have ever really seen this side of her.   Of course, Jenn isn’t perfect. She’s a lonely person, and struggles with anxiety and depression, both of which are fed by an intense fear of rejection and abandonment. This often causes her to fluctuate between clingy and pushing others away. Jenn has the capacity to be petty, argumentative, and jealous, and is so tightly wound that when she snaps, Jenn become angry and even surprisingly mean. This applies to her friends more often than not, unfortunately; Jenn has a habit of snapping at those close to her when she’s stressed out, even if they have the best of intentions.   Jenn is polite and generally quick to give other people the benefit of the doubt. However, there is an important distinction between that and trust; Jenn rarely assumes the worst about a person, but her trust is very hard-won. Jenn is guarded, afraid of getting hurt, and even more afraid of being abandoned. There is a part of her is convinced that she is not 'worthy' of the friends or affection in her life: she dislikes pretty much everything about herself and sees very little there to like in the first place. What could anybody else possibly see in her?   Of course, she did not have the healthiest role-models for a healthy relationship growing up, and a part of her is always afraid of the sudden loss of the people she loves or trusts. In her experience, good things rarely last. Through all of her short-lived relationships, Jenn struggled to understand why they wanted to be with her. With Aerik, especially, she was worried he’d get tired of her and move on to someone else—a feat that was surprisingly prescient, she supposes. She just wishes she’d meet someone who thought she was worth sticking around for.   While she’s done her best to hide her loneliness, she has confided in Beat about how alone she feels, and how jealous she sometimes feels toward some of the others. In her words, everyone has someone they care about who cares about them; Beat has his grandma, Louis has Charlie, Garnet has her parents, Diego has his mother, Kameyo has Karen, and so on. But Jenn doesn’t feel that she has anyone. Thankfully, Beat seemed to reach her, convincing her that she does have friends—friends who are rooting for her and would be very upset if anything ever happened to her. Jenn’s not fully recovered by any means, but it’s a start.   That being said, Jenn still tries very, very hard to be a good friend, to be respectful, kind, and understanding. She is quick to offer an ear or a shoulder to cry if someone needs it, and she will always support others however she, whenever she can—often to her detriment.  


Where the subject of Pokemon is concerned, Jenn is knowledgeable and very competent. It has been shown many times that Jenn is a good battler who often thinks outside of the box. She lacks the confidence to really own that, but when it comes down to it Jenn almost always finds a way to pull through.   Training with Mige throughout their journey through Kanto taught Jenn many different lessons. The most obvious were direct ways to help someone train and prepare; running drills, sparring, and the like. But she learned other lessons as well, such as the importance of building trust and bonding with your Pokemon, as well as the importance of believing in them.   Most important to her, however, was that Pokemon work very hard for their trainers, and sometimes you have to respond to that kindness by considering what your Pokemon want, and what they consider important for them.   Outside of battle, Jenn is a natural with caring for Pokemon. Her natural tendency to be a caregiver comes in handy with Pokemon; she has a gentle spirit that many Pokemon seem quick to trust, and more than once has been able to "reach" Pokemon that nobody else seems able to reach, as displayed with Bulbasaur and Vulpix.   Through her work as an aide, first to Professor Oak and now Professor Juniper, she has learned many different ways to care for Pokemon of all kinds through grooming, play, feeding, and so on.  



With Professor Oak


Given Away

Bulbasaur (Mige)
Deerling (Lara)
Torkoal (Kia)

Skills & Talents

Jenn has a number of unique skills and talents that many are often surprised by. She is a quiet, shy, awkward, a bit clumsy, and reserved girl who hates being the center of attention—so the fact that she actually has many skills that would make her an excellent Coordinator and entertainer can catch people off-guard.   While Jenn has never participated in a Dancing Contest, she is actually an accomplished dancer. Her mother forced her to take dance classes since she was four years old, and it was a “multiple times a week” sort of thing. Jenn is trained in both ballet and modern dance. Jenn has a good sense of rhythm and she’s pretty quick to pick up choreography. Even when doing silly little nonsense dances like The Tympole Dance, she proves to be quite light on her feet.   Jenn has made many costumes, dresses, and props for herself during her mother’s training, giving her a pretty keen eye for fashion and a good idea of what an audience will respond positively to. More importantly, she knows how to wear a costume; the body language, how you move, the way you smile and present yourself. She doesn’t like it, at all, but she can do it as shown during the Pokemon Fashion Show in Series 3 of Indigo Chronicles. Jenn also claims to be a very good juggler, and can even juggle knives. She offered to teach Aerik how to juggle sometime—though she insists that he start with something less “stabby”. Like hackey-sacks!   Jenn enjoys the outdoors and traveling. Growing up, she found refuge in nature and fishing, as a way of escaping her life at home. She has never been afraid of getting her hands dirty, sweating, or roughing it in the wilderness. She’s even shown a willingness to spelunk into narrow cave spaces, showing that she’s considerably braver than she thinks she is.   While Jenn would not consider herself a 'scientist', she has a curious nature and a keen attention to detail. She was quick to catch on to the methods used to study, observe, and record information about Pokemon. This natural proclivity is what led Jenn to become a trainer proper in the first place. She isn't the best with technology or chemistry or the physical sciences. Instead, Jenn excels with biology, environmental science and the life sciences.   Jenn also picked up a number of skills while on the road in Kanto; basic things that helped her survive or make things a little smoother or more comfortable. She can perform basic first aid and taught herself to cook, in addition to how to track, how to forage for food in the wild, how to navigate and survive in nature, and all of the ways you make a good and safe campsite. Jenn has become much more fit since starting her journey; she has crazy endurance, and has also become a very strong and confident swimmer, a competent climber, and surprisingly lithe and quick on her feet.   Singing is not one of Jenn’s strong-suits (she can’t carry a tune to save her life), but she does know how to play the tuba. She used to be pretty good at it, but she hasn’t played in over a year, so is probably pretty rust by now. Likewise, art and drawing are not part of her repertoire, either. It took Beat hours to teach her how to draw a basic Pikachu—which she managed once but hasn’t been able to replicate.   Jenn has a deep appreciation for art, though, and is deeply impressed by Beat’s skill as an artist. She has saved all of the drawings and sketches they made in Galar, and she has framed the extremely beautiful and lifelike drawing Beat did of her in Kalos while they were drunk. Even if it’s just something small, it means a lot to her.  


Pokemon Competitions

  • Miracle Cycle Amateur Promotional - Grand Prize Winner
  • Mulberry Doubles Tournament - Winner w/ Zoey Silph
  • Pokemon Fan Club Fashion Contest - Lost
  • Pallet Town Green Grass Showdown - First Place Winner
  • 2020 Second Annual Accumula Fishing Spectacular - Lost


Main Article: Complete List of Appearances (Jenn Greene)
Jenn has the record of most appearances in the series of any human character besides Mige across all series. Of the human characters, she has the second most appearances in series 2 of the Indigo Chronicles series, appearing in 30 episodes. She also has the second most appearances in Series 3 of Indigo Chronicles at 27 episodes. Jenn also appeared in one Special, Pokemon: Godfall, and had a fairly central role through most the Indigo Victors crossover event, despite not being a competitor.   Jenn was also a central character for the first 14 episodes of Pokemon: Seasons, was a regular in the back half of Pokemon: New Horizon’s first season, was a major character in both the Wish Upon a Star and Pokemon: Pathways specials, and is a main character in the Atmosphere series.  


Main Article: Detailed History (Jenn Greene)


Jenn was born and raised in Viridian City. She grew up in a volatile and emotionally abusive home, circumstances which only worsened after her father abandoned the family. For years, she made a habit of keeping her nose down and doing what was expected of her. However, her mother’s overbearing and scornful attitude was toxic, and Jenn found the strength to do what she had to do for herself.

Indigo Chronicles

After leaving home, she worked with Professor Oak for a time before she met Mige, ultimately heading out on a journey of her own. At first she traveled with Sammy Albright, and the two would even date for a short time before they parted ways in Cerulean City.   Jenn would travel alone for a while until she met Zoey Silph, and after finding herself in Zoey’s orbit would eventually run into Mige again. This time, Jenn joined Mige’s group and joined him in his adventures.   Jenn would be Mige’s most consistent companion and the only one who stayed with him for the longest time through his journey through Kanto. The two became very close, and Jenn developed feelings for him.   They also survived a near-world ending situation in Sinnoh involving a terrorist cult trying to awaken or summon Arceus. This event would leave Jenn a little traumatized and inspire to work hard in order to make sure she wouldn’t find herself a victim again.  

New Horizons/Seasons

After the Indigo Conference, Jenn revealed she’d accepted an internship working for Professor Juniper in Unova. Bidding Mige and her friends a goodbye, Jenn left Kanto behind in an effort to find her own identity apart from everything else.  


  • Jenn’s favorite Pokemon is Pikachu, but her favorite type are ghost types (yes, even after two Sableye almost killed her in a cave). Ironically, Jenn has never owned a ghost-type Pokemon.
  • Her favorite colors are purple, blue, and pink.
  • Jenn has a fear of flying, as revealed in the Godfall special.
  • One of Jenn's dreams is to see the cherry blossom trees bloom in Mulberry Town.
  • Horror movies are her favorite genre in general, and her favorite movie is The Sundown Dread.
  • Jenn's favorite types of music are Shoegaze, Indie Rock, and Bubblegum Pop.

Character Notes

  • Jenn is the first character to be introduced that officially joined the party, though she was only the fourth character to officially join Mige's party overall.
  • Jenn was originally based on a mixture of "Leaf" (the female player character from Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, and the “Lass” trainer class from the Pokemon video games, most notably the generation 1 games and their remakes.
  • Jenn serves as the World of Pokemon’s version of Leaf, with her last name (Greene) being a play on the term “Leafgreen”.
  • As another play on her connection to the character of Leaf, there are many references to the color green in her character: her last name is Greene, her hometome of Viridian City is named after a shade of green and has the motto of "The Evergreen City".
  • Jenn has never fought a Gym Leader or won a gym badge.
  • Jenn was in Mige’s party longer than any other character.
  • Jenn has had the most in-story relationships out of any main character, at three boyfriends: Sammy Albright and Benjamin deWolfe in Pokemon: Indigo Chronicles and Aerik Hargraves in Pokemon: Seasons.
Full Name: Jennifer Patricia Greene
Nicknames: Jenny (Zoey),
Greeny (Benjamin)
Birthday: May 29, 2002 (aged 18)
Hometown: Viridian City, Kanto
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’05"
Relatives: Paula Greene (mother),
Cory Greene (father, estranged),
Chuckie Greene (younger brother)
Blood Type: B+
Occupation: Research Assistant (Juniper)
First Appearance: The Protector of Rako Village
Status: Alive