List of New Horizons Episodes: Chapter 1

This is a list of episodes of Pokemon: New Horizons Chapter 1.  

New Horizons Chapter 1 Episodes

A New Horizon (NH001)

Two months since the end of the Indigo Conference and his adventures in Kanto, Mige and Bill travel to Vermillion City to attend a party full of fancy-do's. But the party will be more eventful than Mige realizes, as he will meet the eccentric Professor Augustine Sycamore who offers Mige a job helping him study Mega Evolution in Kalos. Mige must decide whether he wants to keep living quietly in Cape Cerulean or if he wants to chase a brand new horizon across the sea....

Tres bien! Life in the City of Light! (NH002)

Bidding farewell to Kanto, Mige travels to Kalos to meet with Professor Sycamore and his aides. Here, he makes his first brand new Pokemon friend, as well as a brand new traveling companion in the beautiful Crystal Lear. A new adventure begins!

The Critic and the Volbeat (NH003)

During their travels down Route 04, Mige and Crystal meet a travel writer named Kai Yammamoto and help him find his unruly Volbeat. Could this be the start of a new friendship?

Santalune, 'O Santalune (NH004)

Mige and his friends finally arrive in Santalune City, where the group takes in the beautiful sights, and Mige and Crystal prepare for their first Kalos gym battles! Meanwhile, Mige meets an unexpected new ally after running afoul of trouble on the outskirts of the local forest...

Battle for the Bug Badge (NH005)

The time has arrived! Mige faces Beckett, the Santalune City gym leader, for his very first Kalos gym badge: the Bug Badge! Do Mige and his Pokemon have what it takes to navigate through Beckett's hedge maze to their very first Kalos League victory? Also, Viola returns with surprising news and an intriguing offer.

The Poisonous Menace (NH006)

Mige, Crystal, and Kai travel into the Santalune Forest with Viola and Alan Nash, a Pokemon Ranger, in search of a destructive Pokemon thought long-extinct. Along the way, after the group finds themselves the prey for a large, poisonous predator, Mige and Viola must rush an injured baby Pokemon to the Pokemon Center. Can they make it in time?

Dealing with the Deputy (NH007)

After Crystal is badly injured in a vicious Excadrill attack, the group meets with Selene and her Patrat partner named Scout--deputies for the International Police that are in the forest searching for the same answers that they are! But is there more to this enthusiastic, spunky young deputy than meets the eye?

Arsenault's Assault (NH008)

The true villains are revealed--Mige, Viola, Nash, and Selene find themselves caught in the sights of the brutal Arsenault: an agent of Team Relic! Also, the group meet another unexpected ally as they search for the Team Relic camp.

Ransom by Relic (NH009)

After the disastrous attempt to free Nash from Team Relic's grasp, the whole group has found themselves at Team Relic's mercy. Mige must negotiate with the mysterious field leader Josephine and recover an artifact to save his friends. But how can Mige find something in an afternoon that Team Relic has been unable to find for weeks?

Quel Est Mon Nom (NH010)

Finally back in Santalune City, Mige and his friends recover from their misadventure in the forest while Crystal prepares for her gym battle with Beckett. While lounging about town, the group investigate a condemned old church, and find something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface--literally? Mige and his friends must brave these darkened halls in order to uncover the truth: what is the Bunker? Who is the Stranger? Quel Est Mon Nom?

All Aboard! The Return to Lumiose City! (NH011)

Crystal vs. Beckett! Mige and his friends return to Lumiose City via train, where Mige runs into Celosia and the rest of Lysandre's apprentices again. Mige and Celosia face new challengers aboard the Battle Car. And who is that mysterious person watching them from the corner?

Sycamore the Chef: Dinner for Eleven! (NH012)

Professor Sycamore welcomes the group back with a fantastic dinner, where Mige once more reunited with Celosia and Lysandre's apprentices. Important discoveries are made concerning the mysterious ore samples the lab has been testing, and Mige is given a new task. At the same time, Crystal begins a new modeling gig and invites Mige out to the club with her work friends--and the appearance of Crystal's old rival.

The Crystal Cave (NH013)

Bidding Crystal a temporary farewell, Mige and the others travel to Kiloude City, where they are tasked with investigating an ancient cavern beneath a centuries-old ruin in search of more samples of the mysterious stones. During their investigation, Mige and the others discover an incredible new world--in addition to the terrifying guardians that dwell deeper within. A shocking story on the news turns Mige's world upside-down!

Storm Clouds Over Mige's Troubled Mind (NH014)

Mige struggles with what to do in the face of the eruption of Reversal Mountain and Jenn being caught in it. When Team Relic returns in Kiloude City, Mige and his friends must make scarce and return to Lumiose City at once--meaning that Mige, Kai, and Celosia take a road trip back to the capitol city.

A Fine Day for the Founding Day Fight! (NH015)

While the volcano situation is still unresolved, Sycamore convinces Mige to participate in a tournament for the upcoming Kalos Founding Day Festival! Mige meets both new and returning faces in the tournament. After the tournament's surprising conclusion, Mige and his friends spend the evening at the Founding Day Carnival. Can Mige's friends help to ease his concerns? Additionally, after a night of drinking, Crystal surprises Mige with an unexpected gesture!

Who is Candidate #03? (NH016)

After receiving a mysterious text message, Mige is relieved to discover that Jenn, Alexa, and the others caught in the volcano's eruption are alright. The relief is short-lived, however, as Jenn reveals to Mige the bone-chilling truth behind the entire incident. Celosia discovers a file titled "Candidate #03" in Alexa's cloud storage--and nothing will ever be the same.

Reunion in the City of Light (NH017)

After a week of training, Mige and the others welcome the return of Jenn, Alexa, and Viola--who bring along a new friend! The happiness is short-lived as Mige is contacted once more by Selene Reno who seeks his help in finding a missing child kidnapped by a tough gang. Thanks to the help of a spunky young street urchin named Clem, however, Mige and his friends realize there's more to the situation than meets the eye. Don't miss the shocking ending! At the same time, Mige once more finds himself in contact with Lara. Soon after, Mige is contacted by Will Tahjiri with an unusual plea to save her life...
Note - The events of Pokemon: Wish Upon a Star take place between the end of Reunion in the City of Light and Double or Nothing (NH018).

Double or Nothing (NH018)

After returning from their adventures in Fiore, Mige and his friends are looking forward to relaxing before beginning the next stage of their journey. Mige and Celosia grow closer after a series of bets puts Celosia at Mige's whims--what embarrassing dares will he challenge her with? But their night takes an unexpected turn with the appearance of a strange with an eye patch who tells them that Clem is in danger. Can Mige and Celosia save Clem from the grasp of the Organization?

A Glimpse at What May Be (NH019)

Mige awakens to a shocking new power when he wakes up four years in the future! He gets a glimpse at what may come and makes a series of heartbreaking revelations, though the most shocking revelation of all comes when Mige finds out that he's a father! Who is the mother? That might be the strangest surprise of them all! How will this information change the group's plans? How can they undo the tragedies that lie before them?

Inflection Point (NH020)

In Cyllage City, Mige, Kai, and Celosia work to prevent Crystal's death at the hands of Team Relic. Celosia and Crystal have a shocking confrontation. Also, Henri arrives in Cyllage City--though whether he is here to help Mige or hinder him is anyone's guess. Can they do what they need to do in order to save Crystal and change the future?

Bent, Not Broken (NH021)

Mige views a number of altered futures, and finds that things may be more complicated than they originally thought. Meanwhile, Mige and his friends deal with the aftermath of the battle at the hotel while they train and prepares for their coming battles with Grant at the Cliff Gym. Also, Malva and Mige finally have that drink, and Mige makes Malva a promise.

Climb to the Summit: Battle for the Cliff Badge! (NH022)

Mige, Crystal, and Celosia challenge Grant for the Cliff Badge! Riley returns with the same goal. Will Darrow returns with advice for Mige, but his intentions are surprisingly unclear. Mige reveals the shocking truth behind Theron's origin. At the same time, things take a turn for the worse for Jenn and Kia in Gloire City.

Mige vs. Hermit: Showdown at Lumiose Station (NH023)

Mige and his friends race back to Lumiose City to save not just Jenn and Kia from the Organization, but Clem as well. How will Mige be able to get out of this plan? And just who is the Hermit to Mige?

Clem's Big Day Out! (NH024)

Mige and Celosia take Clem out for a day on the town! A lovely day filled with cake, doctor's visits, shopping, dinner, and even a trip to the movies! Meanwhile, while apartment hunting with Alexa, Mige finds much, much more than he was looking for.

Away to Couriway Town--Mige's Vacation Begins! (NH025)

Lara arrives in Kalos just in time for Mige's vacation to begin! Mige comforts a hurt and lashing out Celosia. Mige connects with his friends during the calm and beautiful Couriway nights--and Lara surprises both Mige AND herself! Meanwhile, Mige sees a brand new future...and things only get more complicated.

A Future in Knots (NH026)

Mige and his friends try to untangle the mystery surrounding his future daughters' Traveling abilities while they settle into their first day in Couriway Town. Mige makes new friends in a mysterious young girl with a Keystone and a young monk on his pilgrimage. Mige agrees to help Korrina discover what secrets may lie within the Terminus Caves.

Competition for the Caves (NH027)

As Mige and Crystal grow closer, the group needs to decide who will go with Mige and the others into the Terminus Caves: and to make that decision, Jenn, Crystal, and Lara compete in a series of contests! Who will win and brave the cave? And who is the mysterious figure watching them from a distance?

The Blood Waters of the Terminus Depths (NH028)

Mige and the others descend into the Terminus Caves in search of an ancient artifact. Along the way, they discover that they aren't alone--Team Relic is looking for the relic as well. Mige must learn to take a leap of faith if he's to find it before they do. Along the way, Mige struggles with his morality, with multiple time jumps, and the strained relationship with his oldest friend.

Blast From the Past (NH029)

Mige and his friends return to Lumiose City to prepare for the Battle Chateau Ball. But when Mige makes a shocking time-jump and re-lives an important event from his history, will he will change what came before or accept the consequences of the past? Plus, Mige and Celosia have an important conversation that may change things between them forever...

Belles of the Ball at the Battle Chateau (NH030)

Mige and his friends attend the annual Battle Chateau Charity Banquet, where they see familiar faces, and make new friends. How will Mige react when he finds the one person who has been causing so much trouble in his futures? Meanwhile, Jenn meets with Bill to discuss an opportunity to help Mige in a different way.

Calling the Reinforcements (NH031)

With a major battle with Team Relic and an Inflection Point on the horizon, Mige and his friends travel to Avignon Town to make a last stand to protect the tablets. Mige calls on friends, both old and new, to fight beside him. Can they stop Team Relic from claiming the Tablets? And who is that mysterious voice calling out to Mige?

2008 (NH032)

It's a blast from the past as Mige finds himself in the year 2008 with his birth parents, Robin and Mikko, and even a younger version of himself. Mige gets to know his parents as he trains in using his Traveler powers in order to undo the catastrophe at the castle.

The Siege of Castle Avignon (NH033)

Armed with knowledge of the past and his new powers, Mige and his friends battle Team Relic! Can Mige create a better ending? Who will survive? With something BIG on the horizon, do Mige and the others have any hope of winning?

Housewarming (NH034)

In the bittersweet aftermath of the Siege of Avignon, Mige and his friends return to Lumiose City to deal with loose ends and celebrate their victories. In the midst, Mige struggles with matters of the heart and the question of what comes next for him and his friends...