Realm: Eridani

DM: Cook

A World Interrupted:

Woe though it has been to endure as a mortal throughout a past so deeply stained by tragedy, the beleaguered but resolute inhabitants of Eridani have repeatedly earned the right to exist for themselves and their descendants. These catastrophes and trials, those known to history and events lost the the ages, resonate through the peoples of the world who continually stride towards the future and the potential hope there-in. However, after great sorrow and struggle, the light of hope has finally begun to shine once again across the lands.   This current respite was not simply a given but rather is the reward of hard-earned victories against great hardships and despair. Below is a chronicling of the recent events from the point of view of the so called "Civilized World" of Southern Ultari which led to the current Mortal Age and the limitless potentials it presents. The story opens as the Millenia-long Ice Age came to an abrupt and terrible end with the resulting floods of melting glaciers referred to as The Great Thaw...

The Dragon Lord's Rise:

It's known today that the cause of the sudden, drastic shift in climate was the explosive emergence of the Great Draconic Overlords from the aforereferenced Naked Peak, since renamed Daigon's Crater after its destruction. Once free of their mountainous womb, the four Dragon Lords quickly took advantage of the ensuing chaos of landslides and flooding caused by the year-long deluge of meltwater and established dominance across the entirety of Eridani. As a display of their superiority, the newly rebuilt capitals of New Thredrithal of the Dwarves and Nektulos of the Draeu'elvir were leveled and any survivors abducted.   In their lust for gold and various unstable materials buried deep within the earth, the Dragons continued rounding up mortals across the world to force into mining 'Boom Towns' in a mad effort to collect ever increasing quantities of both. Effectively prison camps, those unlucky enough to find themselves in residence lived through brutal forced labor and exposure to a terrible effect now identified as radiation. Due to these conditions, conscripted miners experienced heavy attrition and a more stable source of workers was needed.   To this end, the Dragon Lord resident on Ultari turned their attention to the remaining major settlements of mortals and began to herd as many as possible within their walls before blockading their livestock inside. After years of struggle maintaining order through direct terror, the Dragonborn were spawned to facilitate subordination of their source of labor. For decades these new progeny kept stock of the besieged populace with horrible efficiency. However, unbeknownst to the Draconic Overlords, this incredible feat of creation had also planted the inevitable seeds of their eventual demise.

Liberation of the World:

Lost to the maniacal calculations of Eridani's masters was an integral aspect of the mortality inherent to the sentience they'd so meticulously crafted; empathy. Through the years, the Dragonborn wardens experienced a deepening resentment of their creators due to the constant sorrow observed in their charges. From this discontent, a covert network of like-minded members of their race was formed which included nearly their race before the end of the age. The communication enabled by these turncoats facilitated the resistance which eventually succeeded in toppling the world's oppressors.   Nearly all of Ultari was involved in some way. First, Human, Dwarven, and Elven scouts and smugglers provided vital supplies and information. Providing crucial access and guidance through the Umbra beneath Ultari were the Draeu'Elvir, eager to avenge their lost capital. Even the reclusive Corvin emerged to selflessly offer their very home, protectively shrouded from the Dragon's eye, as an integral staging point. With all the pieces in place and surprise on their side, the desperate alliance patiently awaited their chance.

World Link

Xen Map

Current Year:

173 A.I.

Available Races:

Human - Dwarve
"Fair Elv" - "Drow" - "High Elv"

Corvin - Varidae

Creation Resources:

Click Here for World Specific Customizations

Click Here for Racial Overviews & Histories
Click Here for Class & Subclass Origin Lore

Click Here for Details on Eridani's Major Faiths
Click Here for Known Languages on Eridani
Click Here for Available Feats & Backgrounds

Click Here for Eridani's Reworked Artisan Crafts
Click Here for Customized Adventuring Toolkits

Locked Subclasses:

Artificer: Entire Class
Fighter: Purple Dragon Knight
Sorcerer: Clockwork Soul
Warlock: Genie Patron
Wizard: Chronurgy & Graviturgy

Past: The Ice Age
Past: The Goblin Valley
Past: The Island
Present: Enter Eridani

Eventually, Fortune intertwined itself with tragedy when Neiran, an enormous refugee camp within Eastern Feyrith was discovered. In response, the Dragon Lords sent their greatest Leutinents to burn the entire area to glass, and in doing so, provoked the wrath of the resident Draconic Master. The Green Dragon Lord, thus far unaccounted for during the age, rose out of Feyrith's forests and quickly tore the Dragon Lieutenants from the sky, disappearing just as mysteriously back into the wilds. However, the defeat of the Dragon Lord's most powerful servants triggered the uprising worldwide which led to their defeat and the world's long awaited freedom.

Freedom's Fallout:

Gone with the enslavement imposed on the world was the associated structure and stability it provided, however dystopian. The larger blockaded cities no longer received food from their wardens causing massive shortages and rampant starvation. Though contact was made between these groups, the routes and paths between them became infested with bandits desperate to steal enough food to survive. Making matters worse were the Dragonkin residing in the countryside, now feral after the downfall of their masters. Freedom had come to Eridani, but at a steep price.   Compounding these problems was the emergence of two entirely unencountered races which ran rampant through Southern Ultari and the Mountains. Kobolds, a final gift from the Scarlet Dragon Lord before their demise, flooded out of countless hidden clutches across the continent wreaking havoc as they spread. Meanwhile, the filthy and insatiable Gnolls appeared without notice within the eastern Heirknoc Forests, rapidly multiplying from their reportedly small initial numbers. These two new players spread unchecked for years, repeatedly unraveling any progress which could be coaxed forth in from the troubled times.   It wasn't until decades later with the rise of the Zaeri'evla and the launch of their Radiant Crusade, which purged a majority of the Gnoll and Kobold threats east of the Jhiarda River, that mortals received any true breathing room amidst the strife. To the west, the major factions of humanity also reestablished a semblance of order. With the Gnoll and Kobold threats culled, for the time being, and the trade routes mostly clear of highwaymen, the maligned Dark Age of Eridani came to a quiet end.

Dawn of a New Age:
