Adamtine Dragonborn Species in Theras | World Anvil

Adamtine Dragonborn

The Adamantite Dragonborn are a unique and relatively new bloodline marked by their shimmering scales and unwavering dedication to good.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They serve as champions of good across the planes and are considered Outsiders, leading the charge against tyranny and protecting the innocent from harm. They are more durable and tougher, their breath imitate that of the Adamntine Dragon and they are known to bend metals easily with their claws.   Recent Research, showed that the transformation turned them to outsiders with presumably immortality and powers that imitate Celestials sometimes. However, as part of their transformation, they are known to lose most of their memories. Most people deem it intentional, so they can 'cut' their ties to their previous lives.

Civilization and Culture


The Dragonborn of Grand Empire of Arkolion, found new faith in the Draconic Pantheon again, after they rebelled against the Old Ansko Empire. Bahamut then, Impressed by their courage, their resilience, and their unwavering commitment to good, offered them a sacred pact and transformed them from metallic dragonborn (and on the very rare case, chromatic dragonborn) to Adamtine Dragonborn like. The Adamantite Dragonborn would become symbolic servants of the Platinum Dragon, wielding their power to defend the innocent and vanquish evil. They swore a solemn oath, dedicating themselves to the ideals of justice, compassion, and unwavering righteousness. From there, they were transported to the realm of Bahamut's Palace, under a guidance of Adamntine Dragons, they became the core servants of Bahamut and Tamara. Though their numbers are not high enough as the Angels that serve Bahamut. They became the symbol of the good Draconic pantheon.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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