Our Great Prophet; The One who severed the chains;
Arkolion was the founding father of Grand Empire of Arkolion, which was before a leader of a great house of the Old Ansko Empire.
Arkolion was the most prominent Metallic dragonborn, from Copper heritage, throughly loyal to the Empire. He had the gulls to invite foreign powers in The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars in order to stop it. Some dragonball refer to him the prophet of Bahamut.
It is recorded in many instances that Arkolion's ghost itself guided its people in the war and even later on the Grand Empire of Arkolion, reestablishing itself as the prominent power and its fleet.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince-General of the Ansko Empire;
Date of Death
Haldain 7th
920 AB
971 AB
51 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations