The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars

The Dragonborn Wars, is a name for one of the most bloodiest battles. The Dragonborn were atheists and didn't worship any gods, except maybe the south, where Anska Isles are located.   The Dragonborn in their hubris, as befitting their name, was assailed from the underdark by the Azaraks, a corrupted race of the guardians of the Astral Planes, with terrible creatures that came above the surface without limit and their servants Azarspawns.  

First Stage of the War - 22 Coppernium, 966 until 14 Dacius, 971

The First stage of the wars was defined mainly in incursions of the Azaraki forces into the Empires lands of Ansko. The first stage of the war was seen as a chain of utter victories in every battlefield, town, city, citadels by the Empire. However, the war took a toll, espacially on the metallic dragonborn population that were left homeless. However, by the end of the almost 5 years, a Prince-General of the Empire of Ansko, @Arkolion, who was a metallic dragonborn, chose to not listen to the Emperor of the Ansko empire, and he sent envoys to the cities of their sworn enemies, promising them recessions from their colonies on the mainland.  

Second Stage of the War - 30 Dacius, 971 until 14 Haldain, 972

The Armies of the Coalition of Rakion landed on the lands of the main island of Ansko Empire and began their lands. At first, the Dragonborn empire did not engage that battle as they were far too busy protecting the city of Gonko, the trading center of the Empire.   The Emperor, Ansko the 534th, the Sorcerer-Emperor of the Ansko Empire court martialed the Prince-General Arkolion to his death on account of treason after discovering the deal.   The City fell to the Azaraki armies as the Metallic Dragonborn forces have deserted the armies.  

Third Stage of the War - 15 Ilvin, 972 until 14 Bazingadil, 976

The Rebels of the Metallic Dragonborn made a pact with the coalition and conceded from the Ansko Empire. The Civil war between the metallic dragonborn and the Chromatic reached to a boling point for which the coalition supported.   On 18 Gylevail, 973, a Dwarven adventuring party discovered the old city of Regdefelies, which was trapped in the Ethereal plane by the dragonborn empire after they consumed most of their lands thousands of years ago.   The Ansko Empire was in shambles in this state of civil war and the main imperial army disbanded only to become splintered with the Anska Isles Seperatists, which have decided to hunt down the Arkolion legions. It should be noted that the Imperial Army was mostly derived from Metalic dragonborn who were loyal to the emperor, until his death in the Capital city of Ansthay and didn't join Arkolion house's cause of equality, however the Chromatic Dragonborn were so loyal and hateful toward Arkolion that they joined the Anska Isles Seperatists.   The city of Rakeselion, one the floating cities of the Dragonborn, was the city of an old dragonborn academy of wizards, which was taken by the Metallic Dragoborn of Arkolion house in 974. The Arkolion armies and the Coalitions of Rakion were hard pressed, without any support against the armies of Azaraki and Anska and had many casualties as the Arkolion armies didn't have the training of the Ansko empire.   The Arkolion used all the energies of this huge nexus and began unleashing havoc on the Azarakis, destroying millions of them and the seperatists.   After 10 days of deliberations, the remaining armies of Old Ansko which were composed from metallic dragonborn, had decided to band together with Arkolion armies, which bolstered their training moral and helped them finish the war.  

Fourth Stage of the War - 2 Copperium,976 until 1 Haldain, 980

Most of this war was small skirmishes between the remaining forces and driving the forces of Anska to the mountains in the south, while the Rakion Coalition held at bay the remaining Azaraki forces. However in 2 Gylevail, 980, the Azaraki pushed once again further into the the main coalition forces of Rakion Coalition and Arkolion forces and held there many battles in the course of almost a month, until the dragonlord of the Azaraki was destroyed.

The Conflict


The Dragonborn were a proud people in these days, using arcane magic in a manner that surpassed every human nations that we know, even the Old Menedynn Empire couldn't rival them. Perhaps, the only kingdom that surpassed their handling of magic, is the magical kingdom of Owhain.   The Ansko Empire were religious in secret among the nobles as they worshipped their goddess, Tiamat.   The Dragonborn, didn't have any unusual casualties in the Gods War, no matter how much they were around, via their arcane magic, they had survived the ordeal theoretically untouched.


The War were across all the great empire, and even slipped into the Western shores of Rakion and most sages suggest that happened around the globe. Some records that were discovered in 1,051 in Epeoris reassured this theory as they had recorded those raids of the dark creatures.


The Three great cities of Ansko Empire were destroyed in the war and were constructed by Arkolion family which became emperors.   The Arkolion forces tracked down the Azaraki forces after the end of the War and punished them all in many strikes.


The Old Ansko Empire was dissolved into two Dragonborn empires: Grand Empire of Arkolion and the Kingdom of Anska and the Draconic Pantheon was once again more than welcome and the Dragonborn became yet again religious as the gods used this event to help and influence the divided people.   The Arkolion empire had become a force not to be trifled with, as they pushed many miles into the underdark and discovered the new riches there, financing their armies, academies, cities, industry, the infrastructure and the Imperial army which won the Rakion forces in every encounter as they thought they can push the Dragonborn, not realising the new found power of the Arcane that Arkolion have, combined with the Divine magic of the Good Draconic Pantheon that bolstered them.   Even though, the losses were great, the Arkolion Empire was considered the most powerful nation, rivaling the elven realms in Rakion.
Included under Conflict
Battlefield Type
Start Date
23 Coppernium, 966
Ending Date
1 Haldain, 980
Conflict Result
The Azaraks were defeated


The Old Ansko Empire

Led by


20,000 Mages.
5,000 Holy Clerics of Tiamat and the evil pantheon.
1,000,000 Footsoldiers.
200,000 Archers.
400 Psichyc Warriors.
20,000 Magi.
500 Sorcerers.
50,000 Cavalry.


8 Million citizens.
16,000 Mages.
4,800 Holy Clerics of Tiamat and the evil pantheon.
450,000 Footsoldiers.
123,000 Archers.
240 Psichyc Warriors.
12,000 Magi.
400 Sorcerers.
43,000 Cavalry.


Destroying the Azaraks armies and the Arkolion Rebels
The Arkolion and Metallic Dragonborn

Led by


10,000 Wizards.
5,000 Holy Clerics of Bahamut and the Good Draconic pantheon.
3,000,000 Footsoldiers.
90,000 Archers.
200 Psichyc Warriors.
9,000 Magi.
1,000 Sorcerers.
5,000 Cavalry.


3,000,000 Citizens.
5,000 Mages.
2,000 Holy Clerics of Bahamut and the Good Draconic pantheon.
1,700,000 Footsoldiers.
80,000 Archers.
150 Psichyc Warriors.
4,500 Magi.
700 Sorcerers.
4,500 Cavalry.


Avenging the Death of Arkolion and achieving autonomay from the Chromatic Dragonborn for their treatment.
The Dark army of the Corrupted Dragonlord

Led by


60,000,000 Azarspawns;
1,000 Broodmothers;
50,000 Azaraks;
1 Dragonlord;


55,970,000 Azarspawns;
49,950 Azaraks;
1,000 Broodmothers;
1 Dragonlord;


Unknown... Sages speculated that they were attracted to Arcane powers or maybe a divine deity or an elder evil was behind the incursion.


5,000 Keatisian Cavalry;
10,000 Keatisian Infantry;
20,000 Bafigronians, Cavalry;
60,000 Bafigronians, Infantry;
1,700 Buqmati Cavalry;
11,500 Buqmati Infantry;
10,000 Abaisgarian Merceneries;
10,000 Elven Warriors;
10,000 Elven Archers;
3,000 Elven Cavalry;
500 Sirilian Assassins;
1,000 Sirilians Cavalry;
10,000 Sirilians Infantry;
1,000 Sirilian Giants;
6,000 Mages of various origins;
20,000 Clerics of various origins;


3,200 Keatisian Cavalry; 7,000 Keatisian Infantry; 10,000 Bafigronians, Cavalry; 45,750 Bafigronians, Infantry; 710 Buqmati Cavalry; 5,800 Buqmati Infantry; 3,346 Abaisgarian Merceneries; 411 Sirilian Assassins; 9,00 Sirilians Cavalry; 5,000 Sirilians Infantry; 400 Sirilian Giants; 6,000 Mages of various origins;; 4,000 Clerics of various origins;; 8,721 Elven Warriors; 4,768 Elven Archers; 1,229 Elven Cavalry;


Anska Isles Seperatists

Led by


8,000 Wizards.
4,000 Holy Clerics of Tiamat and the evil pantheon.
1,000,000 Footsoldiers.
70,000 Archers.
8,000 Magi.
1,200 Sorcerers.
20,000 Cavalry.


3,500 Wizards.
2,100 Holy Clerics of Tiamat and the evil pantheon.
800,000 Footsoldiers.
62,000 Archers.
7,000 Magi.
200 Sorcerers.
16,500 Cavalry.



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