Atzul Character in Theras | World Anvil

Atzul (AT-Zul)

Atzul, a demigod revered primarily by the Permaglass social class, embodies a controversial philosophy. She champions the idea of an inherent right and responsibility for the nobility to rule. While this doctrine finds favor among many nobles, justifying their decisions, it remains largely unknown outside this elite circle.   Atzul is not a singular entity, but rather a mantle passed down through generations. The current demigod is the latest in a long lineage, succeeding the previous male incarnation, Atul (Att-ul), who tragically perished in Waleapia during the conflict with Aelis of Waleapia. This loss caused another decline in the cult's influence.   Choosing a successor is a vital act. Ideally, the chosen one is a direct descendant of Atzul's mortal form. However, in rare cases, any noble birth can be deemed worthy. Atzul herself is renowned for her generosity, wise counsel, and ability to balance a visionary outlook with pragmatic solutions for everyday challenges.   Once a prominent faith within the Arasilisch, Atzul's worship waned upon their discovery of the Dragons.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The priesthood of Atzul, known as the Scions of Atzul, traditionally served as trusted advisors to the nobility, offering both spiritual guidance and practical counsel. Under the current incarnation, these advisors have revived elaborate rituals that had fallen into neglect during the previous Atzul's reign.   These ceremonies, particularly those created for the Permaglass and Bafigronian families, have become a mark of prestige among the elite. A lavish baptism ceremony for a noble heir, officiated by a Scion, can easily cost a staggering 10,000 gold pieces. Regular religious services are typically straightforward gatherings where nobles discuss social order and the challenges of governing. Atzul's name is invoked with a brief prayer at the beginning and end of these meetings.   However, the clergy has crafted a collection of highly sought-after ceremonies for noble families, particularly the aforementioned baptism rituals. These elaborate events, presided over by Scion priests, are a symbol of status among the Permaglass elite.   Centuries of neglect have caused the Atzulan church to lose many of its ancient practices. Clerics are on a mission to rediscover these lost traditions, venturing into forgotten castles that once housed descendants or clergy of Atzul and her predecessors.

Tenets of Faith

The blood of nobility carries within it the blessings of Atzul, granting exceptional charisma, wisdom, and the capacity for true leadership. Generations of refined education, fueled by family wealth, further prepare them for their sacred duty. This hereditary order ensures stability and prevents the chaos of power struggles. A strong, benevolent nobility represents the pinnacle of governance, providing order and prosperity for all of Theras.   As such, the tenets are as follows:
  1. The Noble Mandate: Nobility is not a privilege, but a sacred duty. Those of noble blood are born to rule, but only if they dedicate themselves to honing the skills and character required to lead effectively.
  2. Selfless Stewardship: A noble's personal desires must yield to the greater good. True leadership demands ruling with compassion and a commitment to the well-being of the people they serve.


Divine Pageantry

The Divine Pageantry, a vibrant festival observed by devotees of Atzul, the goddess of Divine Right, is a grand celebration of the noble class. Held annually during the summer months on a flexible date, it serves as a display of both piety and social standing.   Participating nobles don elaborate, antique costumes, harkening back to a bygone era. They engage in a ritualistic coin toss, showering the gathered commoners with copper or silver pieces. This act is seen as a symbolic gesture of generosity from the nobility to those they govern. Formal language and the use of full titles are a hallmark of the festival, reflecting the emphasis on tradition and social hierarchy within the Atzulan faith.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Atzul usually appears as an older lady of the nobility, her hair touched with grey but well kept, and her iron-gray eyes missing nothing. Her clothing showed the jeweled purple of the true nobility, with a silver chalice and adamantine scepter in her hands, and a tiara carved from a single diamond on her brow.
The Divine Right;
The Divine Mandate;
Divine Classification
Demi Power
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Nobles, rightful noble rule, human royalty
Glory, Knowledge (Education, Memory), Law (Inveitable, Judgement, Legislation, Loyalty, Slavery, Tyranny), Nobility
Golden chalice with a Silver Rod on the side
Leaders, nobles, loremasters, those with inherited wealth or status
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"A Whirlwind" [heavy flail]
Holy Days
Divine Pageantry


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