Beccán Eadeáin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Beccán Eadeáin

Beccán Eadeáin is the patriarch of Clan Eadeáin. He is an experienced politician, known for his sharp mind and strategic thinking; he served as the Cumadóir of Sabersycha for nearly three decades.


Social Aptitude

A man of strong will and conviction, Beccán garnered a reputation for not shying away from tough decisions in order to achieve his goals. His pride in his house runs deep, always seeking new ways to increase its power and influence; with the clan's great contribution to the principality as a whole, Beccán believes both he and his family deserve respect and positions of power. Those who cross him quickly learn to fear his wrath, for he is a man who does not forgive easily, a trait that eventually led to his noble status being revoked.   Though Beccán never publicly stated any hostile intent towards House Lugaid nor the Prince of Sabersycha Búadach O' Ailn, he is known for coordinating his clan's operations, utilizing his startegic acumen and his experience as the composer of war against the forces of the principality. He sees both the death of his son and the execution of his grandson as an act of betrayal by Tassach Lugaid and as casus belli for the current struggle between his clan and house Lugaid.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord (972-1049);
Saineolaí (1012-1040)
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
972 AB 79 Years old
Other Affiliations


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