Composer of War Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Composer of War

Composer of War, also known as Cumadóir, is a military and noble rank in Sabersycha. The Composer is the supreme commander of the armies of Sabersycha, and a Saineolaí in the prince's court. The cumadóir is responsible for defining a war's objective and loss condition, together with the Prince of Sabersycha.

Cultural Significance

The composer holds a unique status in relation to the seven lords; he is considered to be above them as the supreme commander of the armies, yet below them as they answer only to the Prince of Sabersycha. Due to this, when a lord meets with the cumadóir, they both bow to each other, though the lord bows first only if the meeting takes place within his lordship.
Nobility, Military
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