Clan Eadeáin Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Clan Eadeáin

Clan Eadeáin, formerly House Eadeáin, is a Prasri clan in Sabersycha. Repeatedly acting against the prince Búadach O Ailn, they were stripped of their lands and noble status, and are now a mockery of their past; they are commonly described as nothing more, and nothing less, than the greatest brigands in Epeoris.


As old as Sabersycha, the clan was formed under Lugaid Mac Gruaig Rua and was comprised of his followers. In 1049, prince Buadach issued a formal decree denouncing House Eadeáin and stripping them of their noble status after they completely razed Tobar na Draíochta and killed all of its inhabitants.
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
House Eadeáin (defunct)
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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